Kamis, 16 September 2010

About Twisted Metal Extra Edition

l connect 
to the roof with a Power Missile and an entrance into the third tier of 
the Abandoned Building (closest to Teleporter 4) and to the building 
with the aforementioned roof structures that leads to the other end of 
the Abandoned Building. You can snipe at enemies from anywhere on the 

Rooftops – You can access the Rooftops of the buildings in the Soviet 
Union area from the Bridge. Here, you can shoot at enemies below, or 
drop into the pit (of the triangle shaped building) with Teleporter 2 
as well as a quick escape into the Soviet Union area. You can jump onto 
the other building (the one with multiple destroy-able entrances) as 
well and escape into the pits within the building to avoid enemy fire.

Underground – When you shoot the bell structure in the Soviet Union 
area or the black wall of the building (the side with those weird red 
letters on it) you can access the Underground area to go to the other 
area. A Partial Health, Swarmer Missile, Ricochet Disc, and minigame 
teleporter is here.

The best way to take out enemies is to access the Abandoned Building, 
take Teleporter 3, then drop Remote/Mine and back up into the narrow 
hallways on the left/right. Once an enemy warps up, freeze them and do 
as you will. They can’t hit you if you’re hiding behind the wall, so 
it’s pretty safe. If any enemies enter the first tier of the Abandoned 
Building, you can shoot at them with Homing Missiles in the second tier 
(beware of Napalms and Homing Missiles) or the third tier (safer 
overall). The second tier also gives you a nice sniping spot for anyone 
in the Nuclear Site area as well as a view of the ENV weapon (in case 
you have any). The first tier, while not as safe, is flatter and 
completely covered so you can duke it down here in case of 1v1 battles. 
The Underground area (if you ever want to access it) is great to unload 
Ricochets in, especially since the hallway going down and up is narrow 
thus increasing the chances of a Bank Shot. If you haven’t shot down 
the missile control panels, you’re pretty safe in the third tier since 
the only way up for the AI is Teleporter 3. If you’re in need of 
weapons though, shooting the missile control panels lets you access the 
Bridge for a Homing and two Power Missile pickups, and Full Health. 
Again, the Abandoned Building is probably the best place to hang by 
since you can shoot at enemies below and hammer on them once they come 

Map 6 2/2 – Greece
Health Locations:
Full – Enter the Hub area of the ship from the back (it has a roadway 
going down into it). Keep going and in the first opening you see the 
Full Health is there.
Partial – In the Greek City area. It’s all the way at the top.
Partial – It sits at the front of the boat (parallel to a Homing 
Partial – In front of the ENV weapon. Take Teleporter 1 (mentioned 
below to get there), or use the bridge of the left side of the ship 
(specifically from the Partial Health) to get there.
Partial – From the ship side (the side with the Partial Health), 
there’s a long narrow white bridge with a Partial Health on it.

Teleporter 1 – In the Temple area. From the side of the ship that has 
the Partial Health, go up and turn left. Look for a area that has 
several poles and a Homing Missile, the Teleporter is there.
Teleporter 2 – It’s closest to the Zeus statue. Takes you to Teleporter 
1 in the Temple area from the side of the ship with the Partial Health.

The Boundary is primarily the water around the Docked Ship and the 
outsides of the Greek City and Sacred Temples.

Environment Weapon:
Zeus Thunder – Notice the huge statue behind Partial Health #3 as well 
as Teleporter 2? This is the ENV weapon. It functions similarly to 
every other lightning ENV weapon. It hits for 11 points of damage on 
one car, and the AI uses it quite a bit so be sure to use shields if 
you’re grabbing the health. It extends from the statue to the entire 
opening (i.e. the area in front of the Zeus Statue) and has a pretty 
long range, but it will never catch you if you’re circling behind the 
walls in the Zeus Almighty area.


Docked Ship – The main area of the map, it connects both of the other 
areas in this map. The Docked Ship has three areas in it. The Central 
Deck is the main area. At the front of the Central Deck is a Homing 
Missile and Partial Health, on the other side it has a roadway going 
down into the Hub. The next area is the Hull; this is accessed by going 
to the back and entering the roadway into the Hull. Here is a Power 
Missile, a Full Health in the middle, and a Ricochet Disc as well as 
the minigame teleporter. You can take one of the two elevators on the 
left and right, which will take you back to the front of the Docked 
Ship. The third area is the Top Deck; this is accessed by taking one of 
two ramps to the top. The ramp by the front (with the Homing Missile 
and Partial Health) takes you to a Napalm pickup. On the other end is 
an ENV weapon, and turbo on the right. If you turbo and jump off of the 
ramps to the Top Deck, you can access the highest point of the Docked 
Ship as well as the map. Here, you can snipe enemies from below; they 
can’t hit you with anything except for Napalms and Homing Missiles, so 
this is a safe area to retreat to when you’re waiting for health to 
recharge. However, if you’re in a slower car it’s harder to reach this 
place, so if you miss you’ll be a sitting duck for the enemy.

Greenery Plains – This is the largest area of the map. It extends from 
the Greek City area all the way to the Bridge and to the Sacred Temples 
area. To your left of the Greek City area is a temple, which I have no 
idea what it’s used for but I guess you can use it as cover. There are 
a couple of weapons here. It’s also the best combat area for this map; 
it’s not flat but it gives you the most room. 

Greek City – To the right of the Docked Ship (specifically the side 
with the Homing Missile) is a Temple-ish area that has a bridge 
connecting to the Zeus Almighty area with the ENV weapon. Ahead is a 
city-like area with multiple entrances into it. The side entrances take 
you to the main road; the back entrance will always put you to the 
second tier of the main road. It slopes up until you reach the highest 
point of this area with the Partial Health. Here you can shoot at 
anyone coming up as well as within the Greenery Plains. To the left of 
the Greek City is a huge rectangle-ish structure, from which you can go 
behind to conceal yourself from the enemy. You can jump onto of the 
houses, but make sure not to fall out of bounds. A neat trick can be 
used here which will be covered in the strategy section.

Stone Bridge – To the left of the Docked Ship (specifically the side 
with the Partial Health) there’s a hill-like ramp that connects to the 
Bridge. Here you’ll find another Partial Health and Napalm. You can 
shoot at anyone in the Greenery Plains area from both sides, but you’re 
an open target to homing weapons and Napalms. You should only go here 
if you need the Partial Health; it’s pretty short, thin and the area is 
pretty restricted to fight on. You can lay some mines or a Remote Bomb, 
but that’s about it.

Sacred Temple – This is to the left of the Bridge described above. 
Here, a bridge connected to a Temple with a Ricochet Disc and Homing 
Missile as well as Teleporter 1. If you keep taking the bridge, you’ll 
take a ramp into a Swarmer Missile in the air and land back onto the 
front of the Docked Ship. You can circle around the walls to your right 
when you’re just about to enter the Sacred Temple; you have pretty good 
cover and will only get hit by Napalms, and specials from Shadow, 
Spectre, Outlaw and Twister (whose specials pass through walls).

Zeus Almighty – This is the place of the Zeus statue which is the ENV 
weapon for this map. Teleporter 2, a Partial Health, Fire and Homing 
Missile are here. You can access this area by taking the bridge from 
the Temple on the right of the Docked Ship (see above if you’re 
confused), taking Teleporter 1, or turbo jumping from the Docked Ship 
(the side with the Homing Missile) onto it (preferably with the Jump 
upgrade). The AI will assuredly use the ENV weapon when you get too 
close to the Partial Health and the range is pretty long so use your 
Shield if necessary. If you get the reference of this area, I’ll give 
you a cookie.   

There’s a pretty neat trick you can use for this map. Go to the Greek 
City area, and head down the small slope into a shallow shore area. 
Wait for enemies to come, then shoot them and retreat back into the 
shallow pond. The AI will NEVER enter this part of the map so you can 
be assured that you won’t take damage. If you go up (but not too far up 
that you go out of bounds) and stay there, you’re safe because no enemy 
can shoot at you and they won’t come after you. This is the first 
safespot of the map.

The second safespot is at the very top of the Top Deck in the Docked 
Ship area. Turbo and jump to get there (easier if you’re in a faster 
car). From here, you can shoot at enemies below, and the most they can 
do to you is shoot you with a Napalm or Homing Missile. The enemies 
will never chase you up into this area (I’ve only seen one get close), 
so this is another safe place to retreat to. Homing and Swarmer 
Missiles are the best bet when you’re up here, but you can also drop 
Napalms on them when the AI ventures around the sides.

I mostly collect weapons in the Greenery Plains area, return to the 
Docked Ship and fight there. The Docked Ship provides a flat surface 
and serves as an excellent combat ground. When too many enemies gather, 
retreat to the Top Deck and shoot them, then when they come up, jump 
down and speed off.

With the exception of the Partial Health in the front of the Docked 
Ship, and perhaps the one at the top of the Greek City area, every 
other health is well-placed for the taking when you’re in desperate 
need of them. 

Map 7 – Monaco
Health Locations:
Full – Blow up the building next to the minigame teleporter on the 
Sidetrack area with a Remote Bomb. At the top of the Rooftops, jump to 
the other building with the Full Health.
Full – In the middle of the tunnel in the Speedway from the Resorts 
area. Turn left after going up the road from the Swarmer Missile into 
the tunnel, or you can take Teleporter 2 from the Casino to get this.
Partial – In the Resorts area, it’s floating on top of three ramps 
leading into each other. Drive into it, but don’t turbo unless you’re a 
slower car.
Partial – If you keep following the Speedway from the Resorts area 
(specifically starting from the Swarmer Missile on the track) and turn 
right, it’s on a ledge behind the pole-building-ish structure. This 
ledge also allows you to shoot anyone on the Speedway as well as in the 
Resorts area.
Partial – Take Teleporter 3 (listed below), then turn around to find it 
sitting on a bridge-ledge. 
Partial – In the Casino area. Either take Teleporter 1 (in the Full 
Health tunnel) or follow the Speedway up until you reach a circle-like 
road; to your right is the Casino with the Partial Health. It also has 
a Swarmer Missile.

Teleporter 1 – In the Full Health tunnel. Takes you to the Casino.
Teleporter 2 – In the Casino. Takes you to the Full Health tunnel.
Teleporter 3 – In the Resorts area, there’s a bridge that leads to a 
docking bay with ships. The teleporter is there, as well as a Homing 
Missile and Remote Bomb on each side of the bridge. Takes you to the 
Rooftops (the one with the Partial Health).
Teleporter 4 – From the Rooftops (with the Partial Health), takes you 
back down to the docking bay in the Resorts area.

The Boundary is mostly the water in the Resorts area.

Destructible Damage:
If you’re right behind the building when you blow it up via Remote 
Bomb, it will damage you.

1. The tunnel with the Full Health is darker now (minor graphical 

Speedway – The main area of the map. It loops from the Resorts to the 
Circular Speedway (the circular part of the track next to the Casino), 
all the way around from the Sidetrack back to the Resorts. The Casino 
next to the Circular Speedway has a Swarmer Missile, Partial Health, 
and Teleporter 2. The racers on the track can be blown up for weapons.

Resorts – The largest area of the map. This area consists of a Beach at 
one end (with a roadway going to it that has a Power Missile), the 
Spectator’s Benches which has a Partial health and weapons around it, a 
docking bay to Teleporter 3 and a Homing Missile and Remote Bomb on 
each side. There are two roads; the bottom takes you to a tunnel with 
Turbo, and the top leads you to the Circular Speedway as well as the 
Full Health tunnel. There’s a ramp to the left of the Spectator’s 
Benches (straight from the structure that has a Power Missile). Use the 
ramp to shoot open a light outlined spot in the wall to get a Napalm. 
You can also jump to the top of the building to your left (it’s the 
flat roof).

Sidetrack – The lower road of the Speedway (the one with the racers 
accelerating forward) loops up in an S shaped pattern that leads you to 
a green-ish area with the minigame teleporter, and a Remote Bomb in a 
corner (not the area with a Power Missile and Swarmer Missile at the 
ledge). Grab the Remote Bomb and detonate it next to the building to 
blow it up, which leads you to the Rooftops. The first building in the 
Rooftop has a Swarmer Missile, and the other building has Full Health 
and a Power Missile. You can go jump to the other buildings in the 
Rooftops, or you can fall back down into the Speedway.

Rooftops – There are five buildings you can go to in the Rooftops area. 
Building 1 can be accessed with Teleporter 3. This is the largest 
building; it has two missiles (Homing and Power), a Napalm and a 
Partial Health. The ledge with the Partial Health can be used to snipe 
at anyone in the Resorts. The Building 2 can be accessed by jumping 
from this building onto the one with a flat roof and Homing Missile. 
Building 3 can be accessed by jumping from Building 1 onto the building 
with a green roof. Here, you can jump around the sides for safespots; 
the AI will never jump into there, though they will jump to the part of 
the roof with less cover. The fourth and fifth buildings are accessed 
by blowing up the building in the Sidetrack area (mentioned above. From 
here you can jump to the other buildings in the Rooftops.

The Rooftop area is the best way to dominate in this map. Use 
Teleporter 3 in the Resorts, drop mines/Remotes, freeze enemies that 
pop up, shoot them, etc. You can stock up on a lot of Power Missiles in 
the Resorts, Homing Missiles in the Rooftops, and shoot racers to get 
weapons. Because there are so many healths in this level (two full ones 
too) you should rarely die; you should also be well-stocked on weapons.

Map 8 – Transylvania Castle
Health Locations:
Partial – In the center of the Castle between two ramps.
Partial – At the side of the Mini-Castle that has the minigame 
Partial – In the Haunted Site to the left of the building with 
Teleporter 1 on it in the corner.
Partial – At the sides around the Castle (will come back and specify 

Teleporter 1 – Take one of two exits from the Twilight Condemned area 
outside of the Castle to the Spooky Woods which then takes you to the 
Haunted Site that has a building with a teleporter in it. It takes you 
to the fifth/highest floor of the Castle.
Teleporter 2 – At the fifth/highest floor of the Castle. Takes you back 
down to the Haunted Site.

The Boundary is anywhere into the trees outside of the Castle, as well 
as falling off the bridges looping around from the Twilight Condemned 
area to the Spooky Woods and Haunted Site (you have to be stupid enough 
to fall off since there are low walls).

Castle – The main area of this map, it’s humongous and consists of 
several floors as well as exits and entrances into and out of the 
Castle. The first floor is the one with the multiple exits/entrances; 
there’s a couple of weapons including a Swarmer Missile, Ricochet Disc, 
Power Missile, and Homing Missile and two ramps with a Partial Health 
in between them (on the ground). There’s an entrance with a Horizontal 
Crusher that will instantly kill anyone caught in it; there’s a Remote 
Bomb pickup in the center. The other entrance (without ramps) is a long 
hallway out to the Twilight Condemned area. The ramps on either end 
takes you to the second floor of the Castle; it consists of a narrow 
hallway looping around, which is perfect for using Ricochet Discs in. 
On the second floor, you can take the exits up to the third floor where 
you can shoot at enemies in the Twilight Condemned area (if they’re 
nearby of course). The fourth floor is accessed by taking one of the 
two elevators on the first floor. It consists of several hallways and 
ledges around the Castle; there’s a weapon on each corner. In the 
middle is an elevator that takes you to the fifth and highest floor of 
the Castle. Make sure not to dangle on the edges of the elevators when 
they move up, otherwise touching the ceiling will kill you instantly.

Twilight Condemned – This is the area outside the Castle; it loops 
around it in a circle and there’s a waterway on the bottom. Here you’ll 
find lots of weapons, and a Partial Health next to the Mini-Castle 
which has a Napalm and minigame teleporter at the top as well as 
several passageways through it for escaping.

Spooky Woods – There are two entrances from the Twilight Condemned that 
take you to the Spooky Woods. The one further to the left takes you to 
a part of the Spooky Woods with lots of trees and then a bumpy bridge 
that then takes you to the Haunted Site. The one further on the right 
consists of a large green slope angling downwards, and is closest to 
the Haunted Site.

Haunted Site – This is the area following the Spooky Woods. It leads to 
a pretty wide area with a building that has Teleporter 1, as well as a 
Partial Health in the corner. A convenient place to escape to since the 
Teleporter takes you to the top of the Castle.

Shoot at enemies at the higher floors of the Castle area. If you need 
weapons, take a trip around in the Twilight Condemned area to pick up 
lots of missiles. If you’re on the lower floors of the Castle, Ricochet 
Discs are a great source of damage. The second floor is especially the 
best area; there’s a ramp leading to the second floor next to a 
Ricochet Disc. You can also use Elevators to set up Remote Bomb traps. 
Drop a Remote Bomb on your way up, detonate when the enemy reaches up, 
freeze, shoot, etc. You can do at least 50 points of damage without 
even exposing yourself this way, and more once the enemy shows up. Of 
course, if you want to go for it, the Crusher trap is the most 
efficient way of killing enemies without wasting weapons on them. Hang 
by the trap, wait for an enemy to come zooming by, freeze them, and let 
the Crusher do the work. Otherwise the Castle area is recommended. For 
healths, I always drop down and grab the one in the first floor of the 
Castle because that’s the place I remember getting healths the best. 
However, you can also grab the one next to the Mini-Castle in the 
Twilight Condemned area, jump back into the Castle and carry on killing 
enemies. The one in the Haunted Site is the only health enemies will 
never get, but it’s too far if you’re currently in the Castle and you 
may have to use turbo in order to get there and retreat via Teleporter 
1. Other than that, this is the best new map for TMHO and I hope they 
include similar ones in the future TM.

Map 9 – Tokyo Streets
Health Locations:
Full – At the corner of Building A (see below).
Partial – In the middle of the streets in the Tokyo Buildings area. To 
get this, start from the turbo (which is away from the minigame 
teleporter) and turn towards the middle street slanting downward with 
several black buildings on one side and light up buildings on the 
other. You should see a Homing Missile pickup; the health is straight 
ahead from it.
Partial – Behind the Tokyo Tower in the Tokyo Tower area (woo for 
Partial – In the Tokyo Tunnel (take the entrance on the left; it’s 
Partial – In the Tokyo Skyline area (there’s a Swarmer Missile behind 
Partial – In the Tokyo Dojo (at the top).

Teleporter 1 – On the other end of the street from the minigame 
teleporter. A Swarmer Missile is in front of it. It takes you to the 
Tokyo Skyline area.
Teleporter 2 – In the Tokyo Skyline, takes you back down to the 


Tokyo Buildings – This area consists of several dark buildings 
comprised of a rectangular shaped figure. It has weapons on every part 
of the street, including a Partial health. Accessed by taking the 
middle street (the ones that slope down). The middle street from the 
turbo closest to the side of the minigame teleporter does not have the 
Partial health.

Expressway – The area where all the streets and traffic are. It 
composes of a huge square (or rectangle) in the map. There’s a middle 
street going from the Tokyo Tower to the Dojo and Expressway Loop 
that’s flat; it has a Turbo, minigame teleporter (closest to the Tokyo 
Tower), a Swarmer Missile and Teleporter 1 (closest to the 
Dojo/Expressway Loop). The streets slanting downward take you to the 
Tokyo Buildings on each side.

Street Buildings – These are the main four buildings you can go into in 
Tokyo Streets. I’ll describe each one below (in order of personal 

Building A – This building is the one with the Full Health, Homing and 
Power Missile as well as a pole-like structure you can use for cover. 
There are ramps on each side taking you down to the Tokyo Buildings 
(with a Turbo in the middle).

Building B – This building is parallel to Building A and is closest to 
the minigame teleporter. It has a Swarmer Missile and a Homing Missile 
and three walls you can use for cover. There are also three ramps going 
up to this building; a side ramp parallel to Building A, a ramp going 
up to the back of the building, and another side ramp closest to the 
Tokyo Tower.

Building C – The building away from the minigame teleporter, it 
consists of a huge dark building, as well as a Fire Missile on one side 
and a Remote Bomb on the other. The side with the Remote Bomb has a 
slightly deeper building that you can use to conceal your view. Shoot 
an enemy that drives by and they’ll probably drive off the building and 
come back up.

Building D – This building has several buildings, but has no weapons 

Tokyo Tower – The Tokyo Tower area lies on the side with the minigame 
teleporter. It has a Remote Bomb, Partial health, Turbo and Fire 
Missile around it. From the Tokyo Tower are two ramps leading to train 
tracks with a Swarmer Missile in the middle, a Homing Missile at the 
left and Ricochet Disc on the right. Enemies do go up here but 
sometimes they overshoot so you can fire at them when they soar. You 
can blow up the Tokyo Tower by detonating a Remote Bomb on any of the 
sides of the Tower; this will unlock a path to the Tokyo Dojo on the 
other end of the map (closest to the teleporter). A Power Missile also 
lies under the train tracks.

Expressway Loop – This area consists entirely of traffic looping the 
Tokyo Dojo in a tunnel. There are two entrances; the one on the left is 
closest to the Partial Health and has a Turbo in it. The one on the 
right has a Napalm in it but is closer to the weapons in the tunnel, 
which are a Homing and Power Missile and a Ricochet Disc. There are a 
lot of walls you can use for cover.

Tokyo Dojo – This area can only be accessed after blowing up the Tokyo 
Tower. You get here by taking the ramp formed behind the teleporter in 
the main street of the Expressway. After taking the ramp initially, you 
come across an intersection with a Ricochet Disc. The top ramp goes to 
the top of the Dojo with a Remote Bomb, and the bottom with a Partial 
Health as well as a better combat area. You can use the top area of the 
Dojo to shoot at enemies traveling up the ramp, and drop Napalms on 
anyone at the bottom floor of the Dojo.

Tokyo Skyline – This area consists of bridges connecting the four main 
buildings (mentioned above). It has a Swarmer Missile, Partial Health, 
and Napalm. You can use the walls as cover as well as drop down to any 
part of map. This also lets you shoot at anyone in the middle of the 
Expressway for a sniping point.

Take a trip at the Tokyo Buildings (both sides) to stock up on weapons. 
There’s one of every weapon as well as a Partial Health. Once you’re 
loaded on weapons, you can go on your killing spree.

Again, remote/mine traps work well when you go to the Tokyo Skyline. 
Hide behind a wall to avoid getting shot by an enemy, and return fire, 
preferably with a freeze. You can drop back down to the streets or go 
around to the other buildings when enemies chase you. 

If you’re in the Expressway Loop, make sure to grab the health first. 
Use the traffic cars as shields and the walls to cover you. Shadow, 
Axel and Outlaw are pretty good cars in this area (especially with 
their special upgraded).

Map 10 – Tokyo Rooftops
Health Locations: 
Full – In the Central Roof area; in the middle with the minigame 
Partial – In the Side Roofs with the glass. Shoot down the glass and 
then go the left to find it.
Partial – Shoot down the glass on the right (with the Ricochet Disc, 
preferably with a Napalm) and a bridge-ramp will form connecting to 
Roof A. The health is there straight from the teleporter.

Teleporter 1 – In Roof A, takes you to the top of the Side Roofs.
Teleporter 2 – At the top of the Side Roofs, takes you back down to 
Roof A.

1. The structures that can be knocked down to form ramps to another 
roof must now be shot down with weapons (in TMHO PSP you could ram them 
to knock them down).

Central Roof – This is the main roof. It has a tunnel in the middle 
with a Full Health and minigame teleporter as well as a Ricochet Disc. 
Around the tunnel, you can find weapons including a Swarmer Missile and 
Homing Missile. The entrance out from the minigame teleporter is the 
widest part of the Central Roof, with a turbo pickup. There also two 
ramps to the top of the tunnel. The one closest to the bridge that goes 
to the Side Roof takes you to one of the bridge-structures that can be 
knocked down to access Roof B. The one closest to the low walls (i.e. 
the darker part of the roof) takes you to a bridge-structure that can 
be knocked down to access Roof A as well as a Power Missile.

Side Roof – This part of the Central Roof is accessed by taking the 
bridge to the building with glass. Once you shoot down the glass, it 
will reveal a Homing Missile, Partial Health, Swarmer Missile, and 
Ricochet Disc. Shoot the glass at the side with the Ricochet Disc to 
form another bridge-ramp to Roof A. The top of the Side Roof can be 
accessed by taking the teleporter on Roof A, which has a Power Missile, 
Fire Missile, Swarmer Missile, and Turbo at the top. Breaking the glass 
will cause you to fall back down to the bottom of the Side Roof 
parallel to the Central Roof.

Roof A – This is the Roof that has the teleporter as well as three 
bridge-ramps/structures. The first structure connects from Roof A to 
the top of the tunnel in the Central Roof, the second structure 
connects from Roof A to the Central Roof (next to the bridge to the 
Side Roof) and the third structure connects from Roof A to the Side 
Roof. A Partial health is here, as well as a Remote Bomb, Ricochet 
Disc, Homing and Fire Missiles.

Roof B – This is the Roof that has a lot of objects you can blow up on 
it, as well as a few weapons. There are two bridge-ramps; one connects 
the top of the Central Roof to Roof B and the other connects the bottom 
of the Central Roof from Roof B to the darker side of the Central Roof.

Again, utilize Teleport Traps. There’s a Remote Bomb in Roof A, as well 
as Power Missiles at the top of the Side Roof. Never fight anywhere 
else, if you want to be safe.

Make sure to stock up on Power Missiles, Homing Missiles and Swarmer 
Missiles. You will need it for the final map of Story Mode.

Map 11 – Tokyo Streets – Dark Tooth/Tower Tooth
Health Locations:
Full – At the corner of Building A (see below).
Partial – At the side of Building B (see below).
Partial – At the corner of Building D (see below).

1. The game now plays the minigame/bonus level music from TMHO PSP for 
both Dark and Tower Tooth.
2. After killing Dark Tooth it automatically transitions to Tower 
Tooth’s battle without having to wait for the game to load it. Thus, 
you still have the same health, weapons and lives and will be at the 
place where you were after killing Dark Tooth.

Expressway – The streets basically. There’s no traffic here, and there 
are walls blocking off access to the Tokyo Buildings on each side.

Building A – This building is the one with the Full Health. It now has 
a Homing Missile and Ricochet Disc from where the Homing and Power 
Missile used to be in Tokyo Streets, as well as a Power Missile in the 
corner. It also has a pole-like structure you can use for cover. There 
are ramps on each side.

Building B – This building is parallel to Building A. It has a Swarmer 
Missile and a Homing Missile and three walls you can use for cover. 
There are also three ramps going up to this building; a side ramp 
parallel to Building A, a ramp going up to the back of the building, 
and another side ramp on the left.

Building C – Consists of a huge dark building, as well as a Fire 
Missile on one side and a Remote Bomb on the other. The side with the 
Remote Bomb has a slightly deeper building that you can use to conceal 
your view. 

Building D – This building has several buildings, but has no weapons 

Dark Tooth – Dark Tooth now starts off at one place of the map and will 
sit there until you’re closer to his location (whereas in TMHO PSP he 
would hunt you down). He sometimes does try to come after you but he 
fails sometimes. The best place to get onto is Building B. He’s usually 
next to the ramp behind Building B; use Homing Missiles, Swarmer 
Missiles, and/or Napalms (which Building B has) to shoot him. He makes 
attempts to go up Building B but he usually drives back down into the 
Expressway. If you’re facing him on the Expressway, shoot him, get 
behind him, and keep firing Machine Guns and a weapon or two to take 
him down quickly (he can’t rear-fire). Drop Mines behind you so that 
when he turns around and goes straight, he’ll hit them. Either method 
works fine, but method 2 conserves your weapons, which would be good 
for the following fight. Note that you cannot freeze him.

Tower Tooth – Get ONTO Building A. If you’re in the Expressway (you can 
still go on other buildings but Building A is the safest) you may get 
cheapshotted by Tower Tooth if he appears next to you. Fortunately he 
never spontaneously fires his lightning special (and it doesn’t fire 10 
cones anymore) so he’s a lot weaker in TMHOETE. HOWEVER, he can still 
fire his lightning special if you’re closer to his head. He also makes 
attempts to get health when he’s getting weaker so you should be more 
aggressive for this fight (than in TMHO PSP). If you’re on Building A, 
this is the best place to start. Fire Swarmer Missiles and machine guns 
to take down Tower Tooth’s health until the next stage. He only uses a 
flamethrower and occasionally fires an ice cream cone (his machine 
gun), but if you back up he won’t hit you. Just before he’s about to 
arrive at less than half of his health (i.e. he’s almost going to 
yellow), shoot a homing missile while backing up behind the pole 
structure. Tower Tooth will now fire his lightning special exclusively, 
which has a longer range compared to TMHO PSP (colored red instead of 
blue) and will repeatedly disorientate you. He will continue to spam 
this special. If you back up behind the pole he’ll never hit you, but 
he may try to get right next to the building so that his special can 
reach you. In either case, be alert in case he tries to go for health 
(you’ll know when he’s running for the corner behind Building B). Keep 
shooting him (with homing missiles, as you must now target his head); 
he may shield himself so that he can safely recharge, but if you 
unloaded enough homing missiles on him (or swarmer missiles) his health 
recharge means he’s only about 75-100 points more before being taken 
down completely. He occasionally goes up Building B and jumps off from 
the ramp; use this opportunity for free shots. If he runs to the other 
side (with Building C and D) follow him and keep shooting. Rarely will 
he ever fire his lightning special.

After beating both battles, you’ll unlock Dark Tooth, Tokyo Streets – 
Dark Tooth and your character’s ending. Some people reported problems 
of not being able to get Dark Tooth after beating story mode once. 
Thankfully, one of the members on the board confirmed that beating the 
game with Shadow FIRST will prevent Dark Tooth from being unlocked, 
even if you complete Story Mode with other characters after that. With 
plenty of other characters to play as, this shouldn’t be a problem.

h. Deathmatch Maps (Challenge/Endurance Mode)
These are compressed, compact and/or confined versions of some maps. I 
hate these maps for single-player overall but they do make great 1v1 
maps since there’s less health and it’s easier to memorize the best 
sniping points, health, weapons, etc.. There are fewer healths in these 
maps though, and there are no teleports so I prioritize killing the 
lowest armored car first, use invisibility a lot, and try not to get 
into fights when too many cars are present. You’ll die very easily; 
this is the only time I’ll ever say that Hard mode is actually HARD.

While I have some strategies covered for the maps, I won’t go into too 
much detail. In single-player, Cloak/Invisibility is your best friend, 
especially when trying to get Partial Health without being blown into 

All Deathmatch maps now play a new universal background music, whereas 
in TMHO PSP they would play music from their complete versions of the 
map. The only exception is Translyvania Castle.

Paris Deathmatch
Health Locations:
Partial – Above the entrance into the Museum room (that has the 
pictures in it).
Partial – Inside the Museum room (it now sits in the middle instead of 
on the right).
Partial – On the roof of the Museum, the ramps from the Eiffel Tower 
going into the health is still in-tact.

Museum – Everything up to the pool is in-tact from Paris, and the 
Eiffel Tower ramps are already connected by default.

Run up to the roofs and shoot at anyone from down below. Escape to the 
Museum room and try to take out a car before getting health. Do not 
chase anyone on the roofs, especially since they may very well take the 
health sitting in between the ramps.

Egypt Deathmatch
Health Locations:
Partial – In Pyramid A blow up the darkened parts of the wall to get 

Pyramid A – You only have Pyramid A as well as a limited area around 

By god, this is the hardest map to play in due to it containing only 
one Partial Health. However, you still have a chance. First, try to 
kill the lowest armored car with less damage taken, use only ONE shield 
if necessary, and grab the Energy upgrade to refill your energy and 
turbo meters. Shoot down ALL four entrances into Pyramid A, and then go 
in (using Shield if necessary). Grab the health and weapons, and wait. 
Depending on what the AI does, they may either get in or make botched 
attempts to. If you’re lucky, they tend to occasionally hit the walls 
of the entrances into the pyramid and have their sides to you, thus 
making them good target practice. Some may even climb the Pyramid for 
no apparent reason. In either case, shoot the enemies that fail to get 
in, and fire Napalms at the walls where the enemies are trying to climb 
the Pyramid so that the explosion hits them. If you’re low on health, 
you should have plenty of energy to do Invisibility at least three 
times courtesy of the Turbo and Energy Upgrade. Go to the side of the 
Pyramid not occupied by the enemies, and turn around so that you face 
them and watch for what they do outside the Pyramid. The Invisibility 
stall should hopefully be enough that the Partial Health regenerates 
and you can grab it; this is possible even if you’re nearly dying. 
Enemies to watch out for are Shadow, Twister, Outlaw, and Spectre since 
their specials can go through walls.

LA – Cousin Eddy
Health Locations:
Partial – At the corner of the sewers.
Partial – In the middle of the sewers on the other side (closest to the 
area with weapons).
Partial – Inside a ruined building; it has a small opening from the 

Ruined Construction Site – Already mentioned in Story Mode’s LA – 
Cousin Eddy info.

I play this level like I play LA in TM2. Run around the whole level 
while shooting cars along the way. Run along the Construction Site to 
pick up missiles and turbo while retreating into the sewers to keep on 
moving. Keep some damage to grab the Partial Health in the corner 
because that’s the health the AI will go for most of the time. However 
if you’re on the bumpy roads while the AI is in the sewers (at the 
corner with the Partial Health) they may fight each other and won’t 
take you into account, so let them have it.

Roman Ruins Deathmatch
Health Locations:
Partial – In the middle ramp on the bottom tier.
Partial – In the center of the second tier.
Partial – In the center of the third tier (where the temple cover used 
to be).

Coliseum – With the lack of a teleporter, the fourth tier was removed 
so you can’t go there anymore. The temple on the third tier was 
removed, as well as the side-exits that went into the Agricultural 
Fields and Temple Ruins areas.

Always run to the upper tiers while grabbing weapons and shooting at 
anyone below. The third tier is best for the space you need in one-on-
one fights since it’s flatter than the other two tiers. Swarmer and 
Homing Missiles are your best weapons here. You can also pick Tower 
Tooth as an enemy in this level, and he will have the red lightning 
special by default, but he can be frozen AND you no longer need to 
target his head when he’s half-dead so that compensates. Run to the 
third tier and let him take care of enemies for you, while wearing him 
down slowly with Homing Missiles and Swarmer Missiles. He will try to 
go for you all the time, so just turbo around the third tier, freeze 
him when he comes, and let him have it. If he tries to get to the third 
tier, turbo back down to the first tier and go to the other side.

Greece Deathmatch
Health Locations:
Partial – In the opening of the Central Deck of the ship, where the 
Remote Bomb used to be.
Partial – In the Lower Deck of the ship, where the minigame teleporter 
used to be.

Docked Ship – I liken this map to Prison Ship from TMB. You’re on the 
Ship only, and there are now barriers around the ship preventing you 
from falling off. However, you can still jump over it from the Top 

The water around the ship is the boundary. You can only get thrown out 
into here via Dark Tooth or Slamm’s special, or jump off from the Upper 

The cheesiest way to dominate in this map is to kill two cars for the 
Jump upgrade, take the ramp (closest to the side of the ship where 
there’s a roadway going into the lower deck) going to the Upper Deck, 
turbo, and turbo+jump at the edge so that you reach the highest place 
of the Ship. Except for Napalms and Homing Missiles, enemies will NEVER 
be able to shoot you at the top. When you need Health make a dash for 
the Lower Deck and then return to the top to be safe. Keep an eye on 
Homing Missiles and Swarmer Missiles at the back of the Central Deck 
that goes into the Lower Deck. There are very few pickups here and only 
two of them are great for this strategy (I don’t use Napalms especially 
if you’re shooting them close). A change from TMHO PSP is that there 
are now two healths, whereas in TMHO PSP there was only one.

Tokyo Deathmatch
Health Locations:
Partial – In the tunnel next to the subway on one side.
Partial – In the tunnel next to the subway on the other side.

Subway – Remember Tokyo Streets’s bonus level? This is the level you 
fight in, and it was expanded a bit to include two Exit/Entrance areas 
on each side for health and weapons.

Since there’s only one area to go, and that is the loop in the Subway 
area, you should always keep moving. Fire weapons at enemies in the 
Subway, but make sure you pull back and retreat if you’re entering an 
enemy-infested territory. Make sure to grab the healths on each side 
immediately when you take damage.

Tokyo Streets – Dark Tooth
Health Locations:
Partial – In the corner on one end.
Partial – In the middle of a street on one of the slanting roads at the 

Expressway – The streets, basically. There’s no traffic here, and there 
are walls blocking off access to the Tokyo Buildings on each side.

Building A – This building is the one with the Full Health. It now has 
a Homing Missile and Ricochet Disc from where the Homing and Power 
Missile used to be in Tokyo Streets, as well as a Power Missile in the 
corner. It also has a pole-like structure you can use for cover. There 
are ramps on each side.

Building B – This building is parallel to Building A. It has a Swarmer 
Missile and a Homing Missile and three walls you can use for cover. 
There are also three ramps going up to this building; a side ramp 
parallel to Building A, a ramp going up to the back of the building, 
and another side ramp on the left.

Building C – Consists of a huge dark building, as well as a Fire 
Missile on one side and a Remote Bomb on the other. The side with the 
Remote Bomb has a slightly deeper building that you can use to conceal 
your view. 

Building D – This building has several buildings, but has no weapons 

Grab weapons around the streets and use the buildings to shoot at 
enemies roaming the streets. Take the building with the big ramp going 
up to it and shoot any enemy that goes up, hopefully causing them to 
fall forth back into the street. With only two healths in this level, 
try not fight around in the Expressway too much since the AI may very 
well grab them.

Transylvania Deathmatch
Health Locations:
Partial – Take the ramp on the first floor into the health that floats 
in mid-air.
Partial – In the middle of the second floor, take one of the two ramps 
up and head for the part of the second floor that has a large cover in 
Partial – In the fourth floor (take the elevator going to the highest 
part of the Castle).

Castle – With the exceptions of openings into and out of the castle 
sealed off (and the third floor being cut off thus the fourth floor is 
now the third floor and the fifth floor is now the fourth floor), every 
other part of the Castle is in-tact. This makes it the largest DM map 
in the game.

Strategy: Always take the elevator going from the first floor to the 
third and take the elevator to the fourth floor. Wait for enemies to 
take the elevator. They’ll drive off too early, causing them to touch 
the ceiling and killing them instantly. This will save your weapons. Do 
not fight on the second floor, especially since enemies will very 
likely grab the health in this floor. Also, don’t fight on the third 
floor; the fourth floor is where you want to be.

2. Twisted Metal: Lost
Relive your TMB moments in this short-termed sequel to TMB. Yes, it’s a 
sequel (as demonstrated by the character stories that expand the 
background of each character’s future from TMB except for Minion, as 
well as an interesting link between the colorful and dark universe). 
Two games in one! Only except for the fact that TML is not as complete 
as TMHO is. Fortunately, with only four levels, ESP put plenty of work 
into them to make them just as enjoyable as if it were a complete game. 
Many of the modes from TMHO are present here. TML ultimately gives you 
the better multiplayer experience (with its well thought out maps and 
weapon placement) while TMHO gives you a more complete single player 
and multiplayer experience. Both are still enjoyable and worth playing. 
Besides, you have a few important things to do here.

a. Menus
Single Player – Play the game solo, with three different modes of play.
Story – Play through the game in 3 levels, this is necessary to unlock 
one extra level and two characters. You can play through the game with 
every car.
Challenge – Choose a car, a level and 7 opponents.
Endurance – Choose a car, a level, and then battle it out until you die 
or leave.

Multiplayer – 2-player only.
Deathmatch – Battle with a friend.
2P Coop Splitscreen – Play through Story mode with a friend.

Audio – Adjust the music and sound effects volume.
Controls – Choose from three control options: Classic, Hit n Run, and 
Run n Gun.
Difficulty – Choose from four difficulties – Super Easy, Easy, Medium 
and Hard.
Save Game – Save your game as well as your settings.
Load Game – Load a previously saved game.
Restore Default Settings – Restore everything back to where it was 
Movie Clips – See the intro to the game as well as *spoilers* the note 
sent by the supposed deceased team members once you complete Story 

b. Characters/Vehicles 
I finally put both the bios and specials. In TMLost, cars do not have 
any stats listed for them, though you can assume that everyone (except 
for 12-Pak and Gold Tooth) has the same stats from TMB. I’ll only 
mention the health points (below). The specials are not officially 
named, I just made them up. All characters can only hold up to 3 
specials, instead of 5.

Story – An undercover cop trying to bring down the Twisted Metal 
contest. The original John Doe was killed by Calypso at the end of 
Twisted Metal: Black. Rumor is Midtown P.D. has a whole team of John 
Does, all with the same mission: take down Calypso.
Special – (Swarmer Missile, 27-37 points fully charged)
Selecting the special causes a rack with 6 missiles to appear. Hold the 
fire button and one by one the missiles will light up. Once all 6 
missiles are lit up, they will blink up to five times to warn you to 
release the missiles before it backfires (i.e. wasted). If you achieve 
the five blinking light delay, a Max Charge message will display once 
you fire the missiles. All 6 missiles alone without the blinking delays 
does 27 damage, exactly the same as a Swarmer Missile from TMHO. The 
missiles do not congregate when fired unlike TMB; they only pack 
themselves together when they are about to hit their enemy, thus some 
of the missiles may fly to a different target. To ensure all 6 missiles 
hit, get closer to an enemy. It is much better for one on one fights 
rather than group fights. You can no longer rear-fire the special.

Crazy 8
Story – No Face is obsessed with rebuilding his mutilated mug. Tracking 
and killing those he deems evil, he steals the eyes and tongues of his 
victims. He struggles to create a new face for himself, one that will 
allow him to smile at his baby daughter without making her burst into 
tears. After 8 years, still no luck.
Special – (Static Field, 42 points)
Crazy 8 zaps the living hell out of a poor sap near him. Mashing the 
fire button results in an extended period of shocking. If your mashing 
is good enough, the special does 39 points at the least making it quite 
powerful. You’ll have to use your speed and control if you’re going to 
pursue the enemy you’re shocking, when they run away. While you can 
still tap a d-pad direction 3 times, it does not modify the damage 
anymore. Rather, it only specifically attacks enemies in that 
direction. Crazy 8’s special goes through walls and even ceilings, so 
you can use it to catch enemies up or below. The range is also much 
better than TMB.

Mr Grimm
Story – Grimm’s taste for human flesh has not abated. Grimm’s sanity 
has not returned. He now spends his nights racing through the streets 
of Midtown, searching for his next meal while speaking to the rotting 
skull of his dead friend that he wears as a helmet. In recent years he 
has begun to think he may actually be the Grim Reaper.
Special – (Scythe, 34 points)
Mr Grimm throws a scythe at an enemy. Like all of his other specials, 
it only goes straight ahead, but when it hits it does great damage. It 
also causes them to bounce up a bit. Freezing your target is always the 
best way to ensure a guaranteed hit. After the special you can follow 
up with another one or a power missile to do 54-68 points of damage, or 
zip underneath them and shoot them in the back since there’s not much 
they can do to you.

Story – Raven drives a haunted hearse filled with the vengeful souls of 
the dead that it once carried. Using her powerful voodoo dolls, she has 
become a hero to the people of Midtown; an urban legend who protects 
the innocent from the freaks and killers who roam the streets of this 
cursed city.
Special – (Soul Shadow, 23 points)
Shadow fires TMHO’s version of the Soul Shadow. Pressing L2 again 
detonates it. It was slowed down to TM2 speed, but it has a bigger area 
of effect and it also does better damage than TMHO’s Soul Shadow. A hit 
will cause an enemy to bounce and if they were driving prior that, they 
will get flipped. You can hurt yourself with the special, like TM2.
Alternate Special – (Human Turret, 27 points)
To activate the Alternate Special, tap Up three times. Shadow pops up 
from the roof of the vehicle, and fires a machine gun at an enemy 
(similar to Outlaw’s). It was slowed down from TMB, but fires more 
machine gun bullets and is more powerful. You can no longer use both 
specials at once compared to TMB.

Story – This rejected evangelist took his own life at the end of 
Twisted Metal: Black. Rejected by Heaven and Hell, Jebidiah’s spirit 
now roams the Earth, searching for those who wronged him. Locals say if 
you see Jebidiah’s ghost, you will be dead from a car accident within 
the year.
Special – (Hell’s Sinner, 23 points)
Brimstone fires a human follower attached to the front of the vehicle. 
It zooms in on its target, lands on their roof, shouts “REPENT!” then 
blows itself up. If an enemy turns too much, the follower may miss. If 
no target is present, the human follower will prematurely blow up after 
hitting a ground or wall. The follower occasionally yells out “Repent!” 
in the same voice as TMB but in all the other cases it yells “Repent!” 
in a very lighter tone. The special arcs up now, giving you a chance 
of catching enemies at higher areas. 

Story – Axel is still aching over the murder of his wife. Feeling her 
death was his fault, he chooses to stay strapped to the wheels, his 
feet dragging against hot asphalt, ripped apart, bleeding, and causing 
him tremendous pain. One day he hopes he will have done his penance and 
the spirit of his wife will forgive him. 
Special – (Shockwave, 23 points)
Same as TMHO’s Shockwave, but more damaging. It’s also more TM2-like 
compared to TMB’s; he can finally again, be dangerous upclose. Axel 
loses his second special, but it was never useful anyway.

Story – Choosing to stay locked in her dollmask, this once young girl 
has become a young woman. While her body and skull grow bigger, the 
mask does not yield. The crushing pressure on her brain has begun to 
take its toll.
Special – (Blaring Horn, 35 points + 16 turbo ram damage = 51 points 
total, T-Slide = 40 points + 16 ram damage = 56 points)
Darkside charges full speed ahead (with the blurring screen effect, to 
boot). An enemy unlucky enough to get in her way will get pushed aside 
as well as lose a chunk of health. If you turbo ram before hand, you 
can get 51 points of damage, which easily makes this one of the 
easiest, more powerful specials to use. And actually, you can still get 
T-Slide bonus, it’s just that it’s VERY hard and the extra damage is 
not that much more damaging than a straight-on hit. Darkside’s special 
can no longer be rear-fired, but it has a longer duration giving you 
more chances to hit an enemy. When you hit an enemy, the special stops 
prematurely; if you do this on a frozen enemy you’ll be surprised by 
how much damage you can rack up by repeatedly ramming them (because the 
ice won’t thaw after connecting).

Story – Caught in a time loop at the end of Twisted Metal: Black, Agent 
Stone is forever forced to relive the night he won the Twisted Metal 
contest. Each night he stands before Calypso, prepared to be redeemed… 
and each night ends with a bullet straight through the brain. For Agent 
Stone, there is no escape…
Special – (Turret + Siren Missiles, up to 42 points so far)
Agent Stone pops out from the roof of the vehicle with a machine gun 
turret and fires it at a nearby enemy (they home in with great 
accuracy). If an enemy enters his sight, a red laser will lock onto 
their car. At this point, mashing the fire button showers them with 
bullets and homing missiles (colored blue). Whereas the machine gun is 
omnidirectional, the missiles only fire out from the front of the 
vehicle so you’ll have to adjust your position in order to get the full 
damage from both the turret and homing missiles.

Sweet Tooth
Story – A serial killer on the streets of midtown, looking for his next 
victim. His brother, the driver of Yellow Jacket, is trying to kill him 
before the deranged clown can kill another innocent.
Special – (Mecha Assault, 30 points, 10 missiles total, 3 points per 
Sweet Tooth transforms into a mech when you initially “fire” the 
special. Firing the special again will shoot a barrage of ten missiles 
with limited homing ability, each doing 3 points of damage. While it 
looks cool, it’s less damaging compared to TMB and you no longer get a 
bonus on your tenth hit (the bonus would make the 10th missile that hit 
do a little more damage as well as bounce an enemy). It’s also not as 
rapid-fire as in TMB; it’s more like a slower Zoomy weapon of some 
sort. You can skip the transformation part by hitting the fire button 

Yellow Jacket
Story – The brother of Sweet Tooth controls his dead father via remote 
control. The macabre duo have decided to track and kill Sweet Tooth and 
then kill themselves. Doing so will destroy the family bloodline, 
putting an end to generations of murderers and psychopaths.
Special – (Iron Spikes, 9 points per spike fired, 10-35 points + 11 
points turbo ram = 21-46 points overall when ramming)
8 spikes protrude around Yellow Jacket’s vehicle. You can fire them 
manually, however they don’t home in this time (the three spikes at the 
front don’t home in at all) unlike TMB. However, a ram with the spikes 
is much more powerful, able to do almost Power Missile damage to the 
high 30s; it seems to be based on the distance you are in relation to 
the enemy when you ram them with the spikes. Because of the removal of 
homing ability, Yellow Jacket is much better as a melee-type character 
rather than a long-range character. If you leave the spikes out, you 
can discourage anyone trying to ram you (especially Darkside).

Junkyard Dog
Story – At the end of Twisted Metal: Black, Billy rembarked on his 
life’s ambition: to outdo Sweet Tooth as Midtown’s most notorious 
serial killer. It’s been almost 10 years since that vow, and he has yet 
to kill another soul. Until tonight…
Special – (Spikeball, 21 points)
Junkyard Dog’s special is essentially a slightly stronger gas can, but 
without the fire damage added on. He can hurt himself like the gas can, 
unlike TMB. You can use it to shoot enemies behind walls or at the 

Story – In the years since Twisted Metal: Black, Bloody Mary has lost 
all hold on reality. She is not sure what she wants anymore. She simply 
does what comes naturally to her: driving and killing. Secretly, she 
hopes to be killed in the contest, and have her suffering come to and 
Special – (Ghost Missile, 13 points)
Spectre’s special is essentially the same as TMHO Spectre. It is not as 
powerful as TMB’s. A hit also doesn’t bounce the enemy anymore. It’s 
still good for long distance shots when you know an enemy can’t out run 
them or block them with Shields.

Story – No one knows where Black comes from, but he seems incapable of 
dying, and he has only one goal: to kill Calypso. The latest rumor is 
that Black actually comes from a parallel universe where a different, 
more colorful Calypso wants to use Black to murder his darker twin. 
Special – (Rolling Stones, 50 points total, 5 per rock, 10 rocks in 
Manslaughter lets loose a bunch of stones that slide straight ahead. 
The further they go, the wider they get, which increases chances of 
hitting an enemy but also decreases the overall damage you can get. 
Unlike TMB, the stones no longer knock an enemy back. However, you can 
supplement the damage by turbo ramming an enemy for upwards of 66 (50 + 
16 turbo ram damage) points of damage, and add machine gun fire to it. 
Rear-firing the special will still lay the stones onto the floor, and 
they do the same amount of damage; they won’t lay in a pile though, but 
only in a straight line. They explode after a while, but they won’t 
hurt you.

12-Pak (secret character)
Story – Sam Boomer was a rising star on the racing circuit until a 
spectacular crash took his life. His car was totaled, his body 
decapitated. Now he searches Midtown for the crazed fan who leapt from 
the stands on that tragic day and stole his severed head.
Special – (Reticle, 50 points total, 5 points per missile, 10 missiles 
12-Pak is a rather… interesting car to say the least. Since Lost 
doesn’t have the Reticle weapon, you can enjoy using the weapon made 
specifically for this one car alone. Instead of a 5-second timer, 
there’s a 10-second timer, and the box is also much bigger thus giving 
you a LOT more time to prepare shooting it. When an enemy is in the 
box, a crosshair appears on them; hit fire to begin the countdown. The 
target will go from green, to yellow, to red, and when it’s red it will 
eventually blink signaling your cue to fire. Up to 10 homing missiles 
can be fired, and they all congregate so there’s less chance of some of 
them flying towards a different enemy. The damage is nowhere near the 
damage potential of Reticles in TMB (two fully-charged Reticles can 
kill you, with one taking about 2/3 of your healthbar) but compared to 
other specials, 50 damage is quite a lot and can take half or more on 
low-average armored cars or about half on higher armored cars. In 
multiplayer, the 10-second count is outside of the box at the side, and 
you only need to have the count at 0 to fire all 10 missiles (it will 
not blink).

Story – The fool assumed he could go head to head with Sweet Tooth and 
become Midtown’s greatest killer. Sweet Tooth made quick work of him 
but kept him alive to serve as a lesson to others. Now simply a torso 
and head, no one is sure how Cage is controlling his vehicle.
Special – (Flamethrower, 24 points + fire damage)
Warthog has taken quite a hit. His special is no longer as powerful as 
it was in TMB for two reasons. One, his special is now HIGHLY dependent 
on your distance from the enemy as well as the side that you’re flaming 
them at. If you’re close to the enemy as well as next to their sides, 
the flamethrower will incur the 24 points of damage (should all hit). 
If you’re at the front or back, the flamethrower will do less damage. 
This was different in TMB, where all that mattered was that you needed 
to be close to the enemy so that the flamethrower would chomp down 
their health. And two, you can no longer switch weapons during the 
special (a combo I remembered doing in TMB was Freeze, special, Power 
missile, machine gun, turbo ram for about half a healthbar. The power 
missile disorientates the enemy so that they couldn’t escape from the 
rest of the flamethrower) so now you have to chase down the enemy to 
ensure they are within your flames all the time. Also, a change is that 
when you use the special on a frozen enemy, it actually takes a while 
before the flames break the ice (it shows the flames melting the ice 
rather than instantly breaking it like TMB). Other than that, the two 
hits to the special easily makes Warthog one of the worst vehicles 
(VERY low damage compared to TMB).

Gold Tooth (secret character)
Story – A solid gold ice cream truck provided to Sweet Tooth by a 
mysterious benefactor; stronger and more deadly than any other vehicle 
in the Twisted metal competition.
Special – (Mecha Assault Gamma, 60 points total, 10 missiles, 6 points 
per missile)
Gold Tooth’s special is essentially Sweet Tooth’s 2x the power. If all 
missiles hit, you’ve already done more than half damage on low armored 
cars and about half or a little more on higher armored cars. Very 
powerful and cheesy. Not to mention, Gold Tooth’s armor is comparable 
to TM2’s Dark Tooth; he has the highest amount of hit points as a 
playable non-boss character compared to anyone else!

Health Points
Since there’s no armor stat listed, I’m only listing down the health 

Roadkill: 100
Crazy 8: 100
Mr Grimm: 85
Shadow: 108
Brimstone: 100
Axel: 108
Darkside: 137
Outlaw: 120
Sweet Tooth: 125
Yellow Jacket: 110
Junkyard Dog: 120
Spectre: 95
Manslaughter: 145
12-Pak: 110
Warthog: 138
Gold Tooth: 220

c. Energy Attacks
Energy Attacks have been changed from TMB’s inputs. Instead, you have a 
universal button (Triangle) and all you do is input a single d-pad 
button to use them. Everything except for Cloak/Invisibility had their 
inputs changed. Energy Attacks are a lot more responsive in TML than 
TMHO, and I hope they keep the simplified command in the future TM(s). 
For more info, read the TMHO EA section.

Freeze (Triangle+Up, uses about 60% of the energy bar)
Essentially TMHO’s Freeze, only more responsive and easier to input but 
uses up more energy, similar to TMB.

Shield (Triangle+Right, uses about 60% of the energy bar)
It coats your car with green energy instead of blue, unlike TMB.

Mine (Triangle+Left, uses about 10% of the energy bar)
At least you’ll never accidentally input this. 

Cloak (Left Left Down Down, uses about 30% of the energy bar)
The Cloak is a great EA in Lost compared to TMHO due to the maps 
lacking teleports (except for two). Since there are more enemies to 
deal with you should use this to get away when you’re in danger, or 
going for health.

Rear-Fire (Triangle+Down, consumes no energy)
To use Rear-Fire properly, I suggest you hold the Square button to 
accelerate and cross your thumbs over to Triangle so that you’re 
holding both, allowing you to accelerate and use energy attacks without 
having to stop (specifically for this attack). Much more responsive 
than TMHO’s rear-fire.

Jump (L1+R1, consumes no energy)
Jump has been made TM2-style – that is, you jump HIGHER whereas in TMHO 
you needed the jump upgrade. A welcome change from TMB!

d. Weapons
Since TML has the same weapons as TMHO (with the exception of the 
Swarmer Missile and ENV weapon), I’ll only note the changes and cover 
the weapons in less detail. Every weapon is pretty uncommon so I won’t 
mention that. Also for some reason, the manual has the Machine Gun 
Upgrade pickup listed but unless anyone tells me where to find it in 
the maps there is NO such pickup.

Machine Gun (damage varies, no homing ability, can’t be rear-fire-able, 
can’t be picked up)
Machine Guns overheat slower than TMHO’s giving them a nice tactical 

Fire Missile (10 points, limited homing ability, rear-fire-able, 2 per 
The Fire Missile does Homing Missile damage from TMHO, which makes it a 
bit more valuable as a weapon.

Homing Missile (7 points, great homing ability, rear-fire-able, 2 per 
The Homing Missile now does less damage, but that doesn’t make it any 
less of a great weapon.

Power Missile (20 points, no homing ability, rear-fire-able, 1 per 
Essentially = TMHO’s Power Missile.

Gas Can (20 points, no homing ability, rear-fire-able, 1 per pickup)
Gas Cans are essentially TMHO’s Napalms. They are considerably less 
powerful than TMB’s Gas Cans without the Bullseye bonus and they can 
hurt you but still, a great weapon. Due to the return of Remote Bombs, 
the Gas Can no longer can be dropped by pressing down up down+fire 

Ricochet Bomb (15 points, 30 on a bank shot, no homing ability, rear-
fire-able, 2 per pickup)
Woohoo! TM2 Ricochet Bombs! Slower, but stronger than Ricochet Discs on 
a regular hit though the damage is same for a bank shot. However, it 
does knock an enemy back which briefly locks their mobility so you can 
capitalize on that with machine guns, turbo rams or any offensive 
assault you can think of.

Remote Bomb (25 points, no homing ability, already rear-fire-able, 2 
per pickup)
With the lack of teleports, Remote Bombs are best for “kamikaze”-ing 
with your shield on or controlling your space by placing a remote in a 
confined area to discourage an opponent from coming after you.

The turbo pickup was color coded light-violet-ish so distinguishing it 
from the remote bomb is a lot more easier now.

Partial Health/Repair Station
Partial Health is the same as from TMHO (restores 30% of your health), 
as opposed to TMB where there were more pickups but the game was stingy 
about how much it restored your health. Repair stations are the Full 
Health-equivalent but unlike TMB, they can only be used once (hence why 
there’s only one in every level except Death Port).

e. Maps (Story/Challenge/Endurance mode)
There are only four maps in TML and one of them has to be unlocked and 
can only be played in every other mode aside from Story. Other than 
that, since there’s fewer maps compared to TMHO I might as well cover 
them all. In order, I cover Health Locations, areas, teleporters (for 
two maps) and then strategies (on hard mode).

Map 1 – Suburban Terror
Health Locations:
Repair Station – In the Alleyway (behind the Movie Theater, see below)
Partial – At the second floor of the Movie Theater, next to a ramp that 
takes you to the Pizza Man with the pizzas on each of his hands.
Partial – At the street in the back of the Civilian Territory area 
(which is behind the Church).
Partial – On the Highway Loop, in the center with a Turbo and Ricochet 
Bomb pickup.

Suburbs – This is the main area of the map. There are a lot of areas 
here, which I’ll cover below:
1. Pizza Plaza – There’s a Pizza Man statue at the top of a rectangular 
building. You can access the roof of the building by taking the ramp 
next to it. Next to the statue is a Turbo, Homing and Power Missile. If 
you take the ramp from this area, you can access the second floor of 
the Movie Theater or the Roof, as well as use the ramp on the second 
floor of the Movie Theater to jump up to the pizzas (one of which has a 
homing missile) to get a nice view of the whole level. At the side of 
the building of the Pizza Plaza, you can shoot down the glass to access 
a square-figured room with a Homing Missile and shoot the glass on the 
other side to get to the Alley. The roof with the pizza man statue is 
great for shooting enemies below with Homing Missiles and Gas Cans; 
rarely will the enemies be able to shoot at you. They occasionally get 
onto the roof, but you can retreat to the second floor of the Movie 
Theater. They will never get onto the pizzas either.

2. Buster’s Lanes – Another rectangular-shaped building; it has glass 
at the front and can be shot down to access a bowling area with a 
Remote Bomb pickup. You can run around the building for cover, but 
there’s no pickups lying around.

3. Schoolhouse – This lies a few feet away from Gino’s Pizza Plaza 
(it’s the only non-rectangular building of the Suburbs). You can run 
around for a few pickups, but there’s also a ramp on the other side of 
the Schoolhouse taking you to the Civilian Territory.

Civilian Territory – This area is accessed by taking the ramp behind 
the Church at one corner. Here, it consists of an almost H-like figure. 
There’s a Power Missile on the first street, the street at the back has 
a Partial Health, and the street at the right has a Turbo. You can jump 
out of here using the ramp on the street with the Turbo, taking you 
back to the Schoolhouse.

Movie Theater – This area is accessed by taking the ramp or breaking 
the glass next to the Pizza Plaza, going up through the Alley, and 
turning right. You’ll find the Movie Theater ahead; shoot the glass to 
enter. There are two theaters. The hallway on the left takes you to the 
First Theater with a Power Missile and Remote Bomb on each corner. The 
hallway on the right takes you to the Second Theater with a Homing 
Missile. Shoot the rectangular-outlined walls at the top to get out. If 
you took the ramp from the top of Gino’s Pizza Parlor and reached the 
Roof (by turbo jumping, which also gets you a Power Missile) you can 
break the Roof of the Movie Theater thus letting you shoot at anyone 
inside (watch out for Gas Cans though).

Alley – This area is right next to Gino’s Pizza Parlor. You can use the 
ramp or break the walls of Gino’s Pizza Parlor to get here. This area 
is pretty wide and is a good combat area, but it’s frequently occupied 
with enemies.

Back Alley – If you go around the Movie Theater, you’ll come across an 
alleyway at the rear. Here, there is a Repair Station and a few 
pickups, as well as a ramp taking you back to the Alley. 

Highway Loop – This is the area that takes you out of the Suburbs; it 
consists of one long road that loops around and back to the Suburbs. 
There are two entrances; there’s one by Buster’s Lanes (at the right of 
it) and one by the Pizza Plaza (at the left of it). The one by Buster’s 
Lanes has a Fire Missile and the one by the Pizza Plaza has a Turbo. 
When you go up and around through this area, you’ll find a Turbo, 
Ricochet Bomb, Remote Bomb and Partial Health at the middle. I like to 
chase enemies in this area, since they’re usually low on health by 
then, but they’ll always keep running away from you leaving them open 
to missiles. Also, not many enemies will come after you. Make sure to 
use Turbo in case they’re about to grab the Partial Health so that you 
can catch up to them and kill them before they can get it.

Hang around the top of the Pizza Plaza, grab Homing Missiles, and shoot 
at your enemies below. You’re safe most of the time. Enemies rarely 
come up and when they do, you can freeze+power missile+machine gun for 
some good damage. There’s a health at the second floor of the Movie 
Theater when you need it. You can also get on top of the pizza man 
statue (specifically the pizzas) to catch your breath. Enemies will 
never jump up here so you can use it as a special weapon recharge point 
or a resting spot while weapons and health regenerate.

Map 2 - Stadium Slaughter
Health Locations:
Repair Station – In the Stadium Entrance area (take the first tunnel-
like area to exit the Stadium).
Partial – On the ramp in the middle of the Stadium area. Either jump or 
turbo into it depending on how you take the ramp up.
Partial – In the middle of the Crisscross Road area.
Partial – At the end of the Crisscross Road area, to your right is a 
cracked wall. Shoot it down, the Partial Health is there along with a 
Power Missile.

Stadium – The main area of Stadium Slaughter (obviously), it consists 
of a huge circle. In the inside is a wide area you can do combat in, 
there’s a ramp in the middle for a Partial Health, Power Missile and 
Homing Missile (use jump for the missiles). The outside of the central 
area consists of several walls. There’s lots of turbo and ricochet bomb 
pickups here as well as a Remote Bomb.

Stadium Entrance – To get here, take the tunnel-like exit at the back 
of the Stadium (the easiest way is to take the ramp going out of the 
central circle that’s placed in between two walls). Here, it is 
rectangle-ish and very wide so this is the best place for combat. 
There’s a Repair Station, turbo, Gas Can, Fire Missile, and Ricochet 
Bomb. Use Ricochet Bombs in the tunnel coming into the Stadium Entrance 
area; you can also fire a Gas Can at the Tunnel so that the explosion 
hits them when they’re about to come out of the Tunnel. Parallel to the 
tunnel coming into the Stadium Entrance is another tunnel that is a 
ramp; taking it shoots you back into the Stadium area. In the air is a 
Homing and Power Missile pickup, and you can snipe at anyone in the 
central circle of the Stadium. In the Stadium Entrance area, the AI 
occasionally rams the walls leaving them a sitting duck; perfect for 
Power Missiles and Gas Cans.

Crisscross Roads – In the Stadium Entrance area, there’s a ramp going 
into a flat platform that leads to a road that consists of one big turn 
to the right (in a circle basically) with a Partial Health and turbo. 
At the end is a ramp that takes you back to the Stadium Entrance area, 
but if you turn right before the ramp, there is a cracked wall that you 
can shoot down to find a Partial Health and Power Missile. The garage 
door will open up when you get close, allowing you to exit this hidden 
area. However, you can also use this hidden area as a safeguard by 
popping open the exit and shooting enemies, then backing up and closing 
the exit to avoid retaliation. Beware that Gas Cans can hit you here. 
You can keep this entrance open by killing a car and leaving it sitting 
at the entrance.

The best area to fight enemies is in the Stadium Entrance area. 
Typically, you begin in the Stadium area so run around the outskirts 
collecting Ricochet Bombs. The walls here cover you pretty well if you 
keep moving and you can always shoot enemies on the other sides of the 
walls with gas cans. Once you reach the tunnel entrance taking you to 
the Stadium area, turn around and wait for enemies to take the tunnel. 
Shoot your ricochets into the tunnel and hopefully you score some bank 
shots. The moment an enemy that sticks their head out, freeze them and 
follow up. When too many enemies gather, retreat into the Crisscrossing 
Roads area (hopefully with damage so that you can grab the Partial 
Health there), jump back out and make a run for the Tunnel that leads 
you back to the Stadium. Rinse and repeat. Missiles are pretty rare; I 
suggest the central area of the Stadium area as well as the tunnel ramp 
from the Stadium Entrance area to pick up Homing/Power Missiles. Make 
sure to make good use of your Jump command.

Map 3 – Carnival of Darkness
Health Locations:
Repair Station – In the Funhouse area, there’s a huge circular coaster 
track. Take it to the highest point of the level, and you’ll find the 
Repair Station sitting at the top.
Partial - In the Carnival area, there’s a head of Sweet Tooth with a 
waterfall going down. Use the waterfall ramp to get to the back of 
Sweet Tooth’s head, then go up the ramp to the Partial Health sitting 
at the eye.
Partial – In the Twisty Roads area, there’s one sitting in the middle. 
The AI will likely grab this.
Partial – Underneath the tent in the Funhouse area; it sits in the 
Teleporter 1 – If you follow the directions to get to the Repair 
Station above, the coaster tracks actually end at a tunnel with the 
teleporter. The teleporter takes you to the top of the Sweet Tooth head 
with a Homing Missile. This is the perfect sniping point of the area 
and fortunately the AI rarely takes this teleporter.
Teleporter 2 – On top of the Sweet Tooth head. Takes you back to the 
end of the Roller Coaster tracks with Teleporter 2.

Carnival – The largest area; it’s broken down into three parts. First, 
it has the amusement park (the large rectangle area) with the swings 
and that spinning thing I can’t remember the name of. It has a Gas Can 
and Remote Bomb here. The next area is the Haunted Pit; it’s in the 
side by the Sweet Tooth head. You can get here in many ways; the most 
obvious is to go down through the trap-door. The other way is to go 
around the ship (that has a Power Missile on top of it) and turn left 
into it. The third way is to jump from the waterfall leading up the 
inside of the Sweet Tooth head into a small ramp that is the ceiling 
entrance into the Haunted Pit. There’s a skeleton hanging from the 
ceiling above a firey…thing (perhaps burned to death). There is a 
Ricochet Bomb and a Homing Missile here. There’s a glitch where the AI 
sinks into the ground sometimes, so you can’t see them but they’re 
definitely shooting at you (which is why I always avoid this area 
unless the AI is present there). The last part of the area is the Sweet 
Tooth head. There’s a waterfall coming down from it. If you go up, 
you’ll find a Power Missile of the map at the top. When you turn 
around, you’ll find a Fire Missile. There’s a ramp going up into and 
out of the eye socket of the head with a Partial Health. The top of the 
head can only be accessed by taking the teleporter, and you have the 
best sniping spot in the level (a Homing Missile pickup is here so you 
can keep waiting, grabbing, and shoot at enemies below). To exit the 
Carnival area, you can use the exit on the left which takes you to the 
Twisty Roads area, or the one on the right which takes you to the 
Funhouse area. The AI tends to fight in this area a lot but they also 
fight each other too.

Twisty Roads – This area extends from the Carnival area all the way to 
the side of the Funhouse area. Take the left exit in the Carnival area 
or the only side entrance in the Funhouse area to enter the Twisty 
Roads. The Twisty Roads is pretty wide and has a lot of twists and 
turns in addition to a Partial Health. If you chase down any AI in this 
area be sure that there’s no one approaching from behind; again make 
sure to reserve some damage so that you can grab the Partial Health 
without the AI taking it for themselves.

Funhouse – Accessed by the right exit in the Carnival area or from the 
Twisty Roads. This area is the shortest of the map, consisting of a 
circular area with a tent that has Partial Health and a Homing Missile 
at the top of it (jump from the Roller Coaster track with turbo+jump to 
get here, the tent also lets you shoot at enemies in the Twisty Roads 
area), and Funhouses ahead. 

Roller Coaster – Ahead from the Funhouse in the Funhouse area is the 
entrance to the Roller Coaster tracks. It starts from the bottom in the 
left side from the Tent, and loops all the way up. At the mid most part 
of the Roller Coaster is the Tunnel; there is a Remote Bomb and Homing 
Missile. When you exit the Tunnel, the Roller Coaster slopes down and 
has two intersections. One takes you back to the Tent of the Funhouse 
area, the other slopes all the way up (with a Turbo and Ricochet Bomb) 
and stops at a tunnel with Teleporter 1 on the right, and a Repair 
Station, Gas Can and Power Missile on the left at the Cliff. You can 
use the Cliff with the Repair Station to snipe at enemies from below, 
or you can use the teleporter and catch your breath at the top of the 
Sweet Tooth head in the Carnival area. The AI rarely takes the 

For this map, I tend to stock up in the Roller Coaster area and 
Funhouse area (specifically for Homing Missiles), go to the Sweet Tooth 
head in the Carnival area and grab Power Missiles there, and the 
amusement park for Gas Cans. For the most part I tend to shoot the AI 
with machine guns. They wage war in the Carnival area a lot, but they 
do fight each other so you can witness some damage being dealt to them. 
If you need a breather, charge for the Roller Coaster tracks and take 
the teleporter. At the top of the Sweet Tooth head you’re pretty safe 
since no enemies will follow you there (or at least it never seems like 
they do). A homing missile pickup is at the top, so you can keep 
grabbing it and sniping enemies from the top. If you need health, the 
Sweet Tooth head and the tent in the Funhouse area are the best places 
to pick up health; the AI will only get the health in the Sweet Tooth 
head if you’re chasing them, and they usually miss the Partial Health 
under the Tent even though they make a couple of passes. I suggest you 
stay away from the Twisty Roads area since the AI will surely gang up 
on you and also grab the health in this area. Other than that, you’re 
always safe if you retreat to the teleporter and Roller Coaster tracks.

This is the last level for story mode in TML. Completing it on medium 
earns you 12-Pak and Death Port as well as a sample of the note from 
the supposedly deceased developers, and completing it on hard earns you 
Gold Tooth as well as the full note from the supposedly deceased 

Map 4 – Death Port/Port of Death (secret map)
Health Locations:
Partial Health – On top of the box thing in the Docking Ship area, use 
Jump and turbo when approaching it from the Central Deck area with the 
Partial Health – In the Central Hub area, it’s inside the tunnel formed 
by two pipes.
Partial Health – In the Cabin area, shoot the double-door at the back 
of the structure with the Partial Health, Homing Missile and Power 
Missile on top. The Partial Health sits at the left corner.
Partial Health – In the aforementioned structure. To get to it, access 
the Upper Deck area from the Central Hub via the ramp. Turn right, you 
should see the structure ahead. Get as close to the edge as possible. 
Use turbo, and jump just when you’re about to charge off of the edge 
and hopefully you’ll make it. It’s much easier if you’re using a faster 
car. Make sure to hit the brakes to prevent overshooting the platform.

Teleporter 1 – I can’t believe I overlooked this. This teleporter sits 
at the side of the Docking Ship. To get to it, drive slowly over the 
edge (with the Power Missile and Gas Can) to land on a roadway. The 
teleporter is at the bottom ahead of the road when you keep following 
it. It takes you to the top of the Cabin (where the Power Missile, 
Homing Missile and Partial Health are).

Falling off into the waters outside does 25 points of damage to you, 
equivalent to a Remote Bomb. It does not do varied boundary damage like 
in TMHO. Oddly enough, the AI is actually dumb enough to keep jumping 
into the water usually through mis-timed jumps.

Central Deck – This is where you start off most of the time. This area 
is occupied frequently by the AI so getting into a battle with them is 
a risky idea in this area. The Central Deck contains a Power Missile, 
Ricochet Bomb, Turbo and a Homing Missile. It also has a fairly tall 
structure with a Power Missile, Partial Health and Homing Missile on 
it, as well as two doors that you shoot down to access the Cabin area. 
Watch out for Gas Cans from enemies in the Cabin area.

Cabin – As mentioned above, you can access the Cabin area by shooting 
down the double-doors from behind the structure in the Central Deck. In 
here is a very large rectangle area as well as a Homing Missile, Power 
Missile, and Partial Health; it’s excellent for combat. There’s a ramp 
going down into it, which is perfect to lay Remote Bombs or fire 
Ricochets into. You can also shoot anyone in the Central Deck area with 
a Gas Can (the explosion will hit them from below), but you may hit 
yourself (since the can immediately hits the ceiling a short distance 
from you) thus a shield is recommended in case.

Central Hub – From the Central Deck area, you can access the inside of 
ship via three ramps going into it. There’s a Fire Missile and Partial 
Health, as well as a ramp going into the Upper Deck area. You can shoot 
enemies at the Upper Deck with Gas Cans (again, use a shield in case).

Upper Deck – Accessed by going up the ramp from the Central Hub 
room/area, this is the largest area and is perfectly flat for nice 
combat. Up here is a Gas Can inside a tunnel connected by pipes, a 
Power Missile at the edge, a Remote Bomb, and Turbo. If you turn right 
after you entered the Upper Deck, you’ll find the structure from the 
Central Deck with a Homing Missile, Power Missile and Partial Health. 
This is the only place you can use to get on top of that structure. The 
Upper Deck is infrequently visited by the AI and you can retreat here 
to safety. You can shoot at anyone in the Central Deck area, unload 
Ricochets into the ramp at enemies coming up from the Central Hub area, 
and take off when too many enemies gather. Watch out for Gas Cans from 
enemies in the Central Hub area, though.

Docking Ship – You can access the Docking Ship area via a ramp from the 
Central Deck. Here, weapons (Homing Missile, Power Missile, Gas Can) 
are hanging on the edges of the ramp-like surfaces, but they’re pretty 
risky to get since you might go out of bounds. A Partial Health is 
sitting on top of the structure here; use Jump to get onto the 
structure to get it. A ramp on the other side takes you back to the 
Central Deck area, and there’s also a Homing Missile here. If anyone is 
at the Upper Deck, you can shoot them by using the ramp edges closest 
to the ramp from the Central Deck, jump, and firing a weapon (hopefully 
a homing one). The AI makes a lot of botched jumps to get to the 
Docking Ship area, so if you hang around on the Upper Deck and let them 
go about their business, they might even eventually kill themselves. 
There’s also an area here that I overlooked; if you drive slowly and 
carefully over the edge with the Gas Can and Power Missile, you’ll land 
on a roadway that takes you to a Teleporter. By golly, I thought 
Carnival of Darkness was the only map with a teleporter… still shows 
that Dave put some sneaky areas and hid them well.

The Upper Deck is your best bet. You can play a game of cat and mouse 
with your enemies by retreating into the Central Deck, rushing back 
into the Central Hub, and taking the ramp back to the Upper Deck. 
Ricochets are a great space controlling weapon, especially when you’re 
in the Upper Deck and enemies are approaching from the Central Hub. 
From the Upper Deck, you can shoot at enemies in the Central Deck and 
Docking Ship with missiles; the most they’ll do to you is a Gas Can. 
Fortunately, the Partial Healths are well protected, except for one, so 
you can get them when you need it. Overall, not too hard of a map; its 
my favorite TMLost level.

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