Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Cara mengaktifkan GPRS Im3

Cara Mengaktifkan dan Setting Aktifasi GPRS Indosat M3 / IM3 - Seting Jaringan WAP Mobile Internet Handphone / Ponsel Anda
Mon, 03/07/2006 - 12:29am — godam64

Khusus untuk operator indosatM3 / IM3 tidak memerlukan pengaktifan pada operator karena sudah aktif sejak awal nomor diaktifkan. Yang anda perlukan hanyalah melakukan konfigurasi dan seting pada handset / handphone anda sehigga bisa terhubung dengan server gprs IM3.

Setting Manual Parameter Untuk Dapat Terhubung Internet GPRS Indosat M3 / IM3 :
- Connection name : M3-GPRS
- APN / Access point name :
- User name : gprs
- Password : im3
- Authentication : Normal
- Homepage :
- IP address :
- Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy)

Setting Otomatis Parameter Melalui SMS Untuk Dapat Terhubung Internet GPRS Indosat M3 / IM3 :
- Ketik GPRS[spasi]merk hp[spasi]tipe hp
Contoh : GPRS NOKIA 6600 atau GPRS SE P800
- Kirim ke nomor 3939
- Anda akan mendapat sms konfirmasi balasan dari IM3

Selasa, 30 November 2010

Pengertian Haji dan Umroh

Pengertian Haji
Haji adalah salah satu rukun Islam yang lima. Menunaikan ibadah haji adalah bentuk ritual tahunan bagi kaum muslim yang mampu secara material, fisik, maupun keilmuan dengan berkunjung ke beberapa tempat di Arab Saudi dan melaksanakan beberapa kegiatan pada satu waktu yang telah ditentukan yaitu pada bulan Dzulhijjah.
Secara estimologi (bahasa), Haji berarti niat (Al Qasdu), sedangkan menurut syara’ berarti Niat menuju Baitul Haram dengan amal-amal yang khusus.Temat-tempat tertentu yang dimaksud dalam definisi diatas adalah selain Ka’bah dan Mas’a (tempat sa’i), juga Padang Arafah (tempat wukuf), Muzdalifah (tempat mabit), dan Mina (tempat melontar jumroh).
Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan waktu tertentu adalah bulan-bulan haji yaitu dimulai dari Syawal sampai sepuluh hari pertama bulan Dzulhijjah. Amalan ibadah tertentu ialah thawaf, sa’i, wukuf, mazbit di Muzdalifah, melontar jumroh, dan mabit di Mina.
Pengertian Umroh
Umrah adalah berkunjung ke Ka’bah untuk melakukan serangkaian ibadah dengan syarat-syarat yang telah ditetapkan. Umroh disunahkan bagi muslim yang mampu. Umroh dapat dilakukan kapan saja, kecuali pada hari Arafah yaitu tgl 10 Zulhijah dan hari-hari Tasyrik yaitu tgl 11,12,13 Zulhijah. Melaksanakan Umroh pada bulan Ramadhan sama nilainya dengan melakukan Ibadah Haji (Hadits Muslim)

1. Pengertian Haji
Haji ialah berkunjung ke Baitullah Al Haram di Mekkah Al Mukaramah untuk melakukan Thawaf, Sa’i, wukuf di Arafah dan melakukan amalan-amalan yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah Saw.
2. Hukum Ibadah Haji
Ibadah Haji diwajibkan Allah kepada kaum muslimin yang telah mencukupi syarat-syaratnya. Menunaikan ibadah haji diwajibkan hanya sekali seumur hidup. Selanjutnya yang kedua kali dan
seterusnya hukumnya sunnat. Barang siapa yang bernazar haji, wajib melaksanakannya.
“Mengerjakan Haji merupakan kewajiban hamba terhadap Allah, yaitu bagi yang mampu mengadakan perjalanan ke Baitullah. Barang siapa mengingkarinya, maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha
Kaya (tidak memerlukan sesuatu) dari semesta Alam”.(QS. 3:97)
Firman Allah yang lain:
“Dan sempurnakanlah ibadah haji serta umrah karena Allah”. (QS” 2:196)
Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
“Wahai semua manusia diwajibkan atas kamu berhaji, maka berhajilah”. (HR: Muslim dan Nasa’i).
Haji adalah salah satu rukun Islam yang lima, sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam haditz Rasulullah Saw:
“Islam didirikan atas lima perkara: Kesaksian bahwa tidak ada Tuhan kecuali Allah, dan sesungguhnya Muhammad adalah utusan/Rasul Allah. Mendirikan Shalat. Mengeluarkan zakat. Puasa
dibulan Ramadhan. Haji ke Baitullah (bagi siapa yang mampu melakukannya”. (HR: Muttafaqun ‘Alaih)
“Haji yang wajib itu hanya sekali. Barangsiapa melakukan lebih dari sekali, maka yang selanjutnya merupakan haji tathawwu’ (sunnat)”. (HR: Abu Dawud, ahmad dan Al-Hakim)
3. Hikmah Haji
Diantara hikmah haji adalah membersihkan jiwa dari berbagai pengaruh dosa. Hal ini sebagaimana disabdakan oleh Rasulullah Saw:
“Barangsiapa menunaikan haji kerumah ini (Ka’bah) dan ia tidak melakukan senggama serta tidak berbuat fasiq, maka akan keluar dari dosa-dosanya, seperti hari dilahirkan oleh ibunya”. (HR:
Muttafaqun ‘Alaih)
4. Syarat-syarat Haji
a. Islam
b. Baligh (dewasa)
c. Aqil (berakal sehat)
d. Merdeka (bukan budak).
e. Istitha’ah (mampu)
5. Rukun Haji
a. Ihram (niat)
b. Wukuf di Arafah
c. Thawaf Ifadah
d. Sa’i
e. Tahallul (Cukur)
f. Tertib
Rukun Haji tidak dapat ditinggalkan. Apabila tidak dipenuhi, maka hajinya batal.
6. Wajib Haji
a. Ihram, yakni niat berhaji dari Miqat
b. Mabit di Muzdalifah
c. Mabit di Mina
d. Melontar Jamrah Ula, Wutsha dan Aqabah
e. Tawaf Wada bagi yang akan meninggalkan Makkah
Wajib haji ini adalah ketentuan yang apabila dilanggar maka hajinya tetap sah, tetapi wajib membayar dam.
7. Sunnat Haji
a. Mandi sunnat Ihram
b. Bertalbiyah
c. Melakukan tawaf Qudum bagi orang yang mengerjakan Haji Ifrad dan Haji Qiran
d. Bermalam di Mina pada malam Arafah
e. Berlari-lari kecil ketika melakukan tawaf Qudum
8. Jenis-Jenis Haji
a. Haji Tamattu’ ialah berihram untuk umrah pada bulan-bulan haji. Kemudian berihram untuk haji pada tahun yang sama dari Mekkah atau sekitarnya. Ketika bertalbiyah melafazdhkan:
“Labbaika Allahumma ‘Umrattan” (Aku datang memenuhi panggilan-Mu Ya Allah untuk berumrah).
b. Haji Qiran ialah berihram untuk umrah dan haji sekaligus pada bulan-bulan haji, dan tetap dalam keadaan ihram (tanpa tahallul) sampai hari nahar (tanggal 10 dzulhijjah). Atau berihram untuk
umrah pada bulan-bulan haji, kemudian sebelum melakukan tawaf umrah ia memasukkan niat untuk haji. Ketika bertalbiyah mengucapkan: “Laabbaika Allahumma Hajjan wa ‘Umratan” (Aku
datang memenuhi panggilan-Mu Ya Allah untuk berhaji dan berumrah).
c. Haji Ifrad ialah berihram untuk haji pada bulan-bulan haji dari miqat, atau dari rumahnya bagi yang tinggal didaerah antara miqat dan Mekkah, atau dari Mekkah bagi yang tinggal disana.
Kemudian tetap dalam keadaan ihram sampai hari Nahar, ini apabila ia membawa besertanya Hadyu (hewan sembelihan), kalau tidak maka dianjurkan baginya untuk merubah niat hajinya
kepada umrah, sehingga menjadi haji tamattuh’. Ketika melafadzhkan talbiyah mengucapkan: “Labbaika Allahumma Hajjan” (Aku datang memenuhi panggilan-Mu Ya Allah untuk berhaji).
9. Kewajiban selama Ihram
a. Menjalankan semua perintah Allah, seperti shalat wajib pada waktunya
b. Menjauhi segala larangan Allah, seperti melanggar larangan-Nya, bertengkar atau mengucapkan kata-kata kotor.
c. Menjaga diri dari perbuatan menyakiti orang lain, baik dengan perbuatan ataupun dengan perkataan.
d. Menjauhi segala larangan selama ihram, yaitu:
Jangan memotong kuku atau rambut, tetapi tidak ada hukumnya kalau rambut rontok sendiri. Jangan memakai wangi-wangian, kecuali wangi-wangian sebelum mengenakan ihram. Jangan
membunuh, menakut-nakuti atau membantu dalam berburu binatang. Dalam kawasan al-Haram, tidak seorangpun diperbolehkan untuk memotong pohon, mencabut tanaman, atau
mengumpulkan barang yang bukan miliknya kecuali untuk mengenali dan dikembalikan kepemiliknya. Jangan melamar atau melakukan pernikahan baik untuk dirinya sendiri atau mewakili
orang lain. Hubungan badani juga dilarang.
Kewajiban ini untuk laki-laki dan perempuan.
10. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan
a. Untuk laki-laki, dilarang menutupi kepalanya, tetapi menggunakan payung diperbolehkan.
b. Untuk laki-laki, dilarang menggunakan pakaian yang berjahit dan dilarang memakai sepatu yang menutup tumit.
c. Untuk wanita, dilarang memakai sarung tangan dan niqab (penutup muka)
d. Diperbolehkan untuk memakai sandal, cincin, kaca mata, alat bantu pendengaran, jam tangan, dan ikat pinggang yang digunakan untuk menyimpan uang dan dokumen perjalanan.
e. Diijinkan untuk mandi dan mengganti pakaian dan mencucinya.
11. Hukum bagi yang melanggar Ihram
Hukuman terhadap pelanggaran larangan ihram adalah memotong seekor domba atau memberi makan 6 orang miskin atau puasa selama 3 hari. Pelanggaran ini tidak membatalkan haji atau
Hubungan badani membatalkan Haji dan Umrah. Hukuman pelanggaran melakukan hubungan badani selama ihram adalah menyembelih seekor unta dan melaksanakan haji ditahun berikutnya.
12. Talbiyah
“Labbaik Allahumma labbaik, labbaik la syarika laka labbaik, innal hamda wanni ‘mata wal mulk, la syarika lak”
“Aku datang Ya Allah memenuhi panggilan-Mu, aku datang Ya Allah, Aku datang. Tidak ada sekutu bagi-Mu, aku datang. Sesungguhnya segala puji dan kesenangan hanyalah untuk-Mu dan
kekuasaan-Mu. Tiada sekutu bagi-Mu”.
13. Macam-macam Tawaf
a. Tawaf Rukun (tawaf Ifadah dan tawaf umrah)
b. Tawaf Qudum (tawaf kedatangan)
c. Tawaf Sunnat (tawaf yang dikerjakan pada setiap kesempatan, tidak diikuti dengan sa’i)
d. Tawaf Wada’ (tawaf perpisahan)
14. Syarat-syarat Tawaf
a. Suci dari hadats
b. Menutup aurat
c. Dimulai dari Hajar Aswad
d. Menjadikan Baitullah (Ka’bah) disebelah kiri
e. Dilaksanakan 7 kali putaran
f. Berada didalam Masjidil Haram.
g. Tidak ada tujuan lain selain tawaf
h. Niat tawaf, yaitu dikala mengerjakan tawaf sunnah. Adapun tawaf rukun dan tawaf qudum tidak diperlukan niat.
15. Sa’i
a. Didahului dengan tawaf
b. Tertib
c. Menyempurnakan 7 kali perjalanan diantara Safa dan Marwah
d. Harus dilaksanakan ditempat sa’i, antara bukit Safa dan Marwah
e. Tidak disyaratkan suci pada waktu mengerjakan sa’i.
f. Diperintahkan untuk berjalan antara safa dan Marwah, dan berlari-lari kecil diantara 2 tanda hijau. Ini berlaku bagi laki-laki saja, wanita cukup berjalan seperti biasa.
g. Waktu mengerjakan sa’i setelah melaksanakan tawaf ifadah/umrah.
16. Tahallul
Mencukur/menggunting rambut paling sedikit 3 helai rambut adalah salah satu amalan ibadah dalam manasik haji dan umrah. Pelaksanaannya pada hari nahar sesudah melontar jamrah
Aqabah. Bagi yang menduhulukan tawaf ifadah daripada melontar jamrah Aqabah, maka boleh setelah tawaf ifadah dan sa’i atau boleh diundur sampai hari-hari tasyrik. Dalam Ibadah umrah
mencukur/memotong rambut dilaksanakan pada waktu selesai sa’i

Rabu, 03 November 2010

Internet Gratis

10 Rahasia Akses Internet Gratis dengan cara setting gprs selama 24 jam sehari secara penuh...,
Hanya dengan menggunakan kartu tanpa pulsa dan ponsel ( 3 operator GSM dan 3 operator CDMA ).


Informasi di situs adalah Legal dan Tidak Melanggar Hukum

Temukan rahasianya sekarang juga... Rahasia Akses Internet Gratis dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah tidak melanggar hukum atau LEGAL" dan akan saya beberkan di sini 10 rahasia akses internet gratis yang mungkin akan membuat saudara kaget karena tidak menyangkanya sama sekali ( 3 operator GSM dan 3 operator CDMA )
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"Sungguh penemuan yang sangat luar biasa, awalnya saya tidak begitu percaya dengan iklan yang ditawarkan, tetapi setelah saya coba sendiri, Wooow ternyata memang benar... pulsa saya tidak berkurang sedikitpun, bener2 internet gratis... Great Job Man! "
Andi Gunawan - Andigun***
rahasia akses

Coba anda hitung berapa pemakaian internet anda selama sehari, seminggu, atau sebulan. Bagi yang tidak mempunyai akses internet yang menggunakan tarif flat yang biasanya biaya langganan perbulan antara 250.000 sampai 1 juta perbulan,

jika kita menggunakan telkom net instant di kenakakan biaya 160 per menit termasuk pulsa, jika kita menggunanakan warnet yang rata – rata perjam antara 2500 – 5000 perjam. Coba anda hitung sendiri pemakaian selama sebulan untuk pemakaian rata – rata perhari kita menggunakan internet selama 2 jam. Cukup lumayan kan pengeluaran kita hanya untuk internet saja, apalagi di jaman yang serba susah ini.

Dengan trik yang kami berikan,
walaupun kartu ponsel anda tidak memiliki pulsa tetap bisa Akses Internet selama 24 jam sehari secara penuh...,
dengan syarat kartu anda tidak masuk dalam masa tenggang.

Cara aksesnya :
Kita menggunakan modem ponsel Gsm atau Cdma yang
kita memanfaatkan teknologi GPRSnya
Tinggal kita koneksikan ponsel ke Komputer / Laptop
Setting internet, dial selesai.

tapi jika anda lakukan tanpa petunjuk kami,
jika kartu ponsel anda tidak memiliki pulsa, maka anda tidak bisa akses Internet,
jika kartu ponsel anda ada pulsanya, maka pulsa anda akan terpotong,
tidak semua kartu GSM atau CDMA bisa, Dan akan kami beberkan rahasia ini di member area.

Perangkat apa saja yang dibutuhkan agar bisa mengakses internet secara gratis?

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Sebuah ponsel misalnya CDMA (2115i, 2116, 2280, 3105, 6015, 6235, 2865, 6275i) atau GSM (6300, 7610, 6600, 3230, k530i, k510i) ataupun ponsel China GSM dan CDMA apa saja yang support dengan Gprs, kabel data, blue tooth, Infrared untuk dikoneksikan dengan komputer PC atau Laptop, Anda juga bisa menggunakan USB Modem atau Card Modem untuk laptop atau PC (Komputer) .
rahasia akses internet Sebuah kartu Chip GSM atau CDMA (pastikan daerah Anda masuk coverage area GSM atau CDMA yang Saya maksud.
gsm atau cdma Seperangkat Laptop atau PC (Komputer) yang dilengkapi dengan USB port.


Bagaimana dengan kecepatannya ?
Saya sudah coba test sendiri dengan menggunakan ponsel Nokia 2116 dan kabel data DKU 5. Kecepatan akses internet gratis yang dihasilkan adalah 115.2 s/d 140 kbps, kecepatan ini adalah standard untuk jaringan pada umumnya.


Akses Internet Gratis ini bisa digunakan kapan saja dan dari mana saja selama anda masih berada di wilayah negara Indonesia yang ada jaringan Gsm atau Cdma nya. Saya sendiri menggunakan salah satu operator jaringan GSM.

Saya sarankan juga untuk menggunakan kartu ponsel Gsm atau Cdma yang sudah tidak ada pulsanya sama sekali ( Tapi tidak dalam masa tenggang, harus dalam masa aktif walau pulsa habis ) agar lebih aman dalam pemakaiannya nanti. Dan agar Anda tahu bahwa koneksinya bener-benar tidak memakai pulsa sama sekali setelah anda memakainya untuk Akses Internet.

Untuk masalah biaya, yang kita butuhkan hanya biaya pemakaian listrik dan biaya pulsa agar kartu ponsel anda tidak masuk ke masa tenggang, cukup itu saja. Kita bisa browsing, chating, download sepuasnya tanpa perlu merasa terbebani oleh pulsa sedikitpun.

Perhatian !

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Metode Rahasia Akses Internet Gratis ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi Anda para pemakai internet pribadi (stand alone) dan koneksi internet tidak bisa di share.
internet connection Tidak semua kartu Gsm dan Cdma bisa digunakan, hanya beberapa saja yang bisa digunakan untuk Akses Internet Gratis dan sebentar lagi akan saya berikan informasinya kepada Anda.
internet gratis Setiap member akan mendapatkan 10 Rahasia Akses Internet Gratis

Bagaimana kalau saya tidak memiliki ponsel atau di daerah saya belum ada operator telepon seluler?

Baik... Anda tidak perlu khawatir, untuk alasan itulah saya masih menyimpan 3 metode rahasia Akses Internet Gratis yang sebentar lagi akan saya berikan semua untuk anda. Anda bisa menggunakannya untuk browsing internet sepuasnya, download, upload, email, chatting dan aktivitas internet lainnya secara GRATISSS.... dan semua metode-metode rahasia Akses Internet Gratis diatas bisa anda miliki sekarang juga.

Informasi Rahasia Akses Internet Gratis yang ada di situs ini adalah 100 % benar dan koneksi internet yang nantinya anda gunakan adalah benar-benar Gratis. Bagaimana bisa gratis...? Jawabannya sebentar lagi akan anda temukan di member area saya. Penjelasan sangat detail namun mudah sekali untuk dipahami karena setiap langkahnya dilengkapi pula dengan gambar.
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Simak kesaksian dari member

Temuan yang menghebohkan, saya puas pakai Rahasia Internet Gratis dari, thanks
suyanto (jakarta selatan)

" Sungguh penemuan yang sangat luar biasa, awalnya saya tidak begitu percaya dengan iklan yang ditawarkan, tetapi setelah saya coba sendiri, Wooow ternyata memang benar... pulsa saya tidak berkurang sedikitpun ... Great Job Man! "
Andi Gunawan - Andigun***

" luar biasa dahsyat bisa tahu Rahasia Internet Gratis seperti ini. awalnya saya juga tidak percaya dengan temuan ini, saya puas atas semua ini walaupun di awal agak kesulitan untuk setting. terima kasih banyak! Pak Denny =) "
Didik Prasetyo - setyo.***

"meskipun dengan segala keterbatasannya,Akses Internet Gratis seperti ini sudah sepantasnya dimiliki oleh seluruh rakyat indonesia sebagai manifestasi bahwa bangsa indonesia sudah merdeka. Viva "
Agung adrianto - on4d_n***
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Purwoko - ricraks_***
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Moh Sulaiman - perwira_***
Jl. AKBP H. Umar RT.02 Medan

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Hery kristanto - ars_we***
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jl baru gg 2 Jakarta utara

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Dwi Rasidin - pahlaw***
Kuningan Jawa Barat

" Salut! sungguh penemuan Rahasia yang luar biasa. tadinya saya ragu-ragu untuk mencoba metode anda, ternyata setelah saya coba setting melalui ponsel saya terbukti berhasil browsing tanpa terkena biaya/gratis, salut untuk anda! semoga bonusnya selalu di update "
Hasan - kitar***

" Rekan Netter Indonesia, ditengah-tengah keterpurukan ekonomi bangsa ini yang berdampak pada tingginya harga-harga kebutuhan pokok, termasuk biaya akses internet ( termasuk kebutuhan pokok kita khan! ). Ternyata masih ada yang peduli. Akses internet yang bukan sekedar murah, atau hanya flat, tapi benar-benar gratis tanpa basa-basi. Ini benar-benar penghematan luar biasa bagi para netter. Bayangkan saja jika dulu saya harus mengeluarkan kocek cukup besar, sekitar 450rebuan untuk akses internet kini saya bisa simpen tuh dana untuk kebutuhan yang laen. Dan yang lebih hebat lagi, kapanpun saya bisa akses internet! Terimakasih untuk admin yang mau bocorin rahasia ini. "
Darwis S - lelaki_kesepiansek***
Jl.Imam Bonjol Batu Malang

" Akses Internet Gratis ... Itu sangat membantu sekali dalam penyediaan informasi saat ini, dengan tuntutan ekonomi yang sangat berat ini membatasi saya untuk explore internet di warnet karena keterbatasan dana dan pengeluaran kebutuhan hidup sehari2. Saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih dengan penyediaan Rahasia Internet Gratis ini untuk membantu saya. Kalau udah ada internet gratis ngapain rental warnet lagi... Main internet seharian tetap GRATIS...!!! Sukses selalu. "
Rudi Hermanto - imran_tsa***
jl pelesiran no 55a/56 balubur

" Awalnya saya ragu, apakah bisa akses unlimited dengan biaya GRATIS !!! tetapi saya memberanikan diri untuk mendaftar menjadi member ternyata Rahasianya memang luar biasa,benar2 gratis "
Joko Andri - darwi***
bulusari,RT 04/05 gandrung mangu,jln,kebanaran
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Berapa investasi yang diperlukan ?

Terus terang saya sangat sayang sekali untuk membagikan informasi rahasia Akses Internet Gratis ini. Tapi tidak apa lah. Saya ingin orang lain juga merasakan betapa nikmatnya memiliki Akses Internet Gratis 7 x 24 jam seminggu tanpa harus memikirkan biaya sama sekali dan terus terang dengan adanya Rahasia internet gratis ini, bisnis online saya sangat terbantu dan dapat berkembang pesat.
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Cara mengakses Internet tanpa Biaya

Cara Akses Internet Gratis

Contributed by Administrator
Friday, 25 July 2008
Last Updated Thursday, 31 July 2008

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centang I accept the terms in the…. Lalu Klik NEXT pilih standard, lalu klik Next
Page 5

klik FINISH centang pada bagian don’t import anything, lalu klik next
Page 6

klik Yes pada bagian toolbar atas pilih menu Tools
Page 7

Maka akan muncul tab ini: klik pada bagian ADVANCE lalu klik NETWORK
Page 8
isikan persis seperti di atas, centang manual proxy configuration lalu isikan angka seperti di atas (http proxy: dan port: 554), centang use this proxy server for all protocols, lalu hapus tulisan yang ada pada kolom No
proxy for. Klik OK dan OK lagi. Setelah proses instalasi FIREFOX selesai maka sekarang close program FIREFOX dan
instal FLASH PLAYER, jika sudah ada tulisan completed maka klik Close
Sekarang tahapan membuat dial up, masuk Control panel
Page 9
Pada Control panel di atas pilih icon NETWORK CONNECTION, lalu akan muncul seperti di bawah ini:
AbdulKadirSalam.Com - Freedom eLearning Of Open Source - Situs Pribadi Abdul Kadir Salam,S.Kom
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Generated: 26 June, 2010, 10:51

Page 10

Pilih Create a New connection pada kotak kiri bagian atas, maka akan muncul tab seperti diatas, klik next
Page 11

Akan muncul seperti ini: klik next, akan muncul seperti ini:
Page 12
centang pada Set up my connection manually lalu klik next: centang pada Connect using dial up modem , lalu klik next
isikan FREN, lalu klik Next
Page 13

isikan #777 lalu klik Next kosongi seperti di atas lalu klik Next -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 14
centang pada add a shortcut to this connection… lalu Finish

pilih phone and modem options, akan muncul seperti berikut:
Page 15
pilih pada tab Modems, lalu pilih pada modem yang anda pakai (saya menggunakan standar 19200 bps modem) klik

Properties maka akan muncul tab seperti berikut: Pilih pada tab Advance lalu masukkaan AT+CRM=1 (huruf besar
semua) pada kolom extra settings, klik ok
Page 16
Sekarang silahkan lakukan dial up seperti biasanya, untuk fren username:m8 password:m8 dial: #777 dengan
menggunakan Chip Fren yang sudah tidak dipakai / tidak ada pulsanya biar lebih safe klik Dial dan tunggu sampai
proses dial up berhasil. Buka browser FIREFOX dan lakukan browsing, sekarang cobalah untuk browsing dengan
AbdulKadirSalam.Com - Freedom eLearning Of Open Source - Situs Pribadi Abdul Kadir Salam,S.Kom
Powered by Joomla!
Generated: 26 June, 2010, 10:5

mengetikkan beberapa saat, jika logo google telah muncul berarti proses instalasi telah
berhasil dilakukan, jika waktu browsing mengalami idle lalu muncul seperti dibawah ini maka klik
TRY AGAIN atau refresh
Page 17
Pastikan ketika anda menggunakan internet gratis tersebut anda menggunakan kartu fren yang telah habis pulsanya dan

jangan pernah diisi pulsa dengan tujuan agar tidak berisiko pulsa anda berkurang. walaupun masa aktif habis atau kartu
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Untuk google harus dengan mengetikkan
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melalui website
1 IP hanya untuk 1PC, Tidak direkomendasikan untuk dishare lebih dari 1 user karena akan mengakibatkan

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FREN yang tersedia di wilayah anda. Disarankan hanya membuka 1 browser (FirexFox) saja, jangan membuka
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Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Twisted metal Small Brawl stats

Twisted Metal: Small Brawl faq by

I. Introduction
II. Main menu
III. Game options
IV. special attacks
V. Game modes
VI. Weapons/pickups
VII. Characters/cars
VIII. Bosses/Billy Calypso
IX. How to get secret characters
X. Secret character info.
XI. Stages
XII. Secret stages
XIII. Movies
XIV. Gameshark codes
XV. Favorites
XVI. Credits

Update 1- July 14, 2002, Well, first I wrote the faq, but then I heard
a problem about how to get mime. But I think I know the real way, so I
fixed that. Didn't think I would end up updating, but here you go.
Thanks for finding out that you couldn't get
mime with what I originally had.

Update 2- July 15, 2002, Well, decided for another update. Someone told
me that there was a better strategy for endurance mode with Slam and
freezing cars then lifting them over the edge in the Tree Top Rumble
stage, but I still stand strong on my strategy, it is less risky, I
tried out that, I was on 28 kills and fell off the edge by accident. So
anyone who reads my faq, I encourage you to use my strategy. Plus I
beat the game with Darkside on hard mode, so I added that. And lastly I
added the reason for me not having a walkthrough, right under
introduction(even though no one has questioned me about it yet).

Update 3- Wow, thought I had my last upgrade before... But that's ok,
cause I am glad to give some knowledge to you all. I am going to
correct how to get the secret characters(again) cause for some odd
reason they didn't change last time, plus, told me
the real way to get Piecemeal, which all I really need to add is that
it must be under hard mode. Lets hope this is my last upgrade, but then
again, you never know...
I do not tolerate plagiarism. In case if you do not know the
definition, Plagiarize is defined: To use and pass off (the ideas or
writings of another) as one's own or to appropriate for use as one's
own passages or ideas from (another). Thanks for the
definition, pretty much, don't copy my stuff, you can look, you can
refer to it all you want, maybe print for your own use. But do not
copy for your faqs, as your own work, or anything along those lines.
I will be happy to answer any questions, just E-mail me at This is my first faq, but I think it is done well
and should help a lot.
I. Introduction
Well first of all I should say that I don't really think that a
walkthrough is needed for this game, so just go to the car you like,
then get some strategies, I put some strategies for the bosses too. If
anyone wants a walkthrough, E-mail me for I can decide if it would be
What kid will be toughest on the Block? Billy Calypso, the mean bully
of Twisted Metal: Small Brawl. He has teased the kids on the block,
stolen their lunch money, shot spit wads at them, and sent their pets
to the veterinarian. After getting bored of all this, Calypso had to
think of something a little more fun to do.
So while watching some demolition derby. Calypso thought, now this is
action, I would love to see all them dumb kids go at it like this. So
he says, "I gotta have this tournament! It would absolutely rule!"
But even though the idea was so great, the backfire was none of the
kids in his neighborhood knew how to drive. But Calypso thinks of
something fast... So he "invited" all the kids to a tournament (some more
willing then others).
He tells them they will all need a remote control car. Then get ready
to put your remote control cars to the test. He told them to make it
interesting, "Ill grant the winner one think about what you
want...Cuz you'll really get it...heh heh..."
II. Main menu
One player-One player mode, go alone, modes include tournament,
challenge, or endurance.
Two Player-Two player mode, play with a buddy in head to head,
cooperative and free for all modes
Options-Look at my next section
III. Game options
Difficulty: Easy, medium, or hard
Memory card: load and save game progress, unlocked stuff and game
settings can be loaded here, use switch to switch your memory card.
Movies: lets you watch the movies you have unlocked, you start with the
movie at the beginning of the game, once movies are unlocked simply
play them all at once, or pick them individually.
Controller: allows players to choose what buttons they want to do what
in the three different modes available: TM:2 Classic, Small Brawl and
SB: Reverse.
Credits: people who contributed to the game are here.
IV. Special attacks
Freeze: Helpful to freeze the opponent temporarily. When froze the
opponent can not move. Damage them while they are frozen. Press up,
down, up to execute.
Shield: Temporary shield that blocks any attack. Use when you are low
in health and trying to escape. Press right, right, down, down to
Rear fire: Launch your weapon backwards, when being followed show them
a lesson by blasting them behind. Press right, left, down, L2 to
Drop Mine: A mine is also a great way to get those cars away from your
tail. Press right, left, down to execute.
Jump: Use this to jump, doesn't talk a lot of battery power either
press L1+R1 to execute.
Ramming: This isn't really a special attack but with a larger car you
can get ramming damage in. Just go full speed and ram for damage.
V. Game modes
Tournament: If you're ready, take on Calypso's tournament. The
battleground is filled with enemies of Calypso's choosing.
Challenge: This is fun to do, just pick your enemies and have fun
destroying them.
Endurance: How long can you last? Select your battleground and fight
for your life. I can last extremely long. Can you? Use all your skills
and give them the fight of their life.
Head to head: No computer in this mode, just you and a friend. As I am
undefeated in the mode, I have bragging rights. Earn some for yourself
by beating any opponent that comes in your way.
Cooperative: Tired of beating your friends to bits, well then help them
out in cooperative mode. Work together to beat the stages.
Free for all: Everyone for themselves. Player1 against player2 against
computer. Everyone is against everyone here. Show off your skills by
showing you can beat man and machine.
VI. Weapons/pick ups
Fire missile: This firework rocket is your basic missile. It is a
little stronger then homing missiles but have slight homing abilities.
Homing missile: This bottle rocket flies out and tracks down your
opponents, less power but way easier to hit with.
Power missile: This big firework does great damage but has no homing
Roman candle: A rapid firing weapon lobs explosive bouncing balls
around. Height and length it goes depends how far your opponent is
away. I think it is useful on larger opponents.
Ricochet bomb: A ground bloom firework that spins out in a straight
path. If it hits it does great damage, if not it ricochets until it
hits someone(it will be just as powerful as when launched).
Napalm: Isn't this creative, flaming doll heads. It is a lobbing arc,
and explodes on impact, if it hits the ground it will have a wall of
fire, when someone hits it they will catch fire until extinguished.
Remote drop mine: Huge cherry bombs are more powerful then you would
expect! Put it on the ground then detonate it when you are ready.
Environment weapon: Every battleground has a different effect with
these, when you use something happens on the battleground; usually
these are pretty effective, look out for them.
Mystery weapon: That question mark you see, it's a mystery weapon, it
gives you a random weapon.
Special: You cant pick them up but they build up overtime, each car has
a different one and some are better then others.
Machine guns- This weapon you can use as much as you want, I use it a
lot while shooting other weapons or when chasing down an opponent.
Green battery: Just call it health.
Red battery: Just call it turbo.
NOTE: Battery attacks are used from the blue bar on the side of your
health, it fills up automatically and can not be refilled instantly.
VII. Characters/Cars
NOTE: Stats are based on 10, I estimated the amount of points with the
bars in the game.
Sweet Tooth: The youngest of the kids, but also the most mischievous.
He enters the contest just wanting a little ice cream.
Vehicle: Frosty Treats Ice Cream Truck- Sweet Tooth has a special
weapon that is a ricocheting frozen treat. It goes around a while until
it hits someone, it does pretty good damage too.
Armor- 7
Acceleration- 5
Speed- 4
Handling- 6
Agent Stone: A young gentlemen who dreams of being a British secret
agent. He enters to uncover and put an end to the bullying ways of
Vehicle: Crimson fury sports car- His special weapon is 3 flaming paper
airplanes with great homing accuracy. Plus they put the opponent on
Armor- 3
Acceleration- 8
Speed- 9
Handling- 5
Mr. Grimm: An overzealous youngster who is crazy about Halloween! He
enters for Calypso can show him the portal to a mysterious place where
it is Halloween everyday of the year.
Vehicle: Grimm's stunt motorcycle- His special weapons are two evil
jack-o-lanterns launched straight with large damage.
Armor- 2
Acceleration- 6
Speed- 8
Handling- 8
Mortimer: Mortimer is just a kid who just wants to do math and science
experiments. But when Calypso steals his pet frog, Mortimer joins the
tournament to get him back.
Vehicle: Shadow Hearse- Shadow's action figure is the special Shadow
uses. Fire it with L2, direct hits get most damage, but if your going
to miss, might as well press L2 again to detonate it.
Armor- 6
Acceleration- 4
Speed- 3
Handling- 6
Vinnie and Bruce: These tag team homeboys are looking for the ULTIMATE
sound system. They join the tournament hoping Calypso can show them it;
will he give them the phattest sound?
Vehicle: Thumper lowrider- Plug your ears cause when Thumper fires his
special weapon, 3 super sonic shockwaves will blare out towards your
opponents. They do pretty good damage.
Armor- 5
Acceleration- 5
Speed- 4
Handling- 8
Officer Roberts: This little guy just wants justice in the
neighborhood, which means no more bullying by Calypso.
Vehicle: Outlaw Police car- The special weapon on this vehicle is an
electrocuting taser beam that latches on to your opponent, keep
pressing L2 rapidly for more damage.
Armor- 3
Acceleration- 5
Speed- 4
Handling- 6
Warthog: This little soldier is tired of being picked on by Calypso.
After one last time in the trash can, he is ready for war!
Vehicle: Warthog Off-road assault vehicle- His special is a barrage of
3 red, white, and blue homing missiles that have great damage.
Armor- 2
Acceleration- 8
Speed- 7
Handling- 8
Twister: This girl isn't the smartest in the pack, but she is one of
the best drivers! She is the fastest in the tournament and is looking
for the ultimate hi-speed ride.
Vehicle: Twister Race Car- Twister's special weapon is a tornado that
goes right above her car, capture opponents in it and whip them out for
great damage.
Armor- 2
Acceleration- 10
Speed- 8
Handling- 4
Slam: The oldest and tallest in the tournament. He seeks revenge after
Calypso destroys his tree house. Don't mess with him.
Vehicle: Slam Construction Vehicle- Use Slam's special when close to an
opponent; he will pick up his opponent with the jaws of this vehicle,
watch out cause if he misses an earthquake forms where he missed.
Armor- 9
Acceleration- 8
Speed- 3
Handling- 5
Spectre: This young and shy boy in a ghost suit is looking for his lost
father; little does he know there is a connection with him in a past
Vehicle: Spectre sports car- Three little ghosts launch out and scare
your opponents. Watch out cause it can travel through objects for a
limited time.
Armor- 3
Acceleration- 7
Speed- 6
Handling- 7
Hammerhead: This teen rocker just wants to be a hardcore rock star! He
is trying to win to make that wish come true.
Vehicle: Hammerhead Monster Truck- This special weapon is used to crush
cars by spikes forming on the tires and running all over your
opponents, not the biggest amount of damage but pretty cool.
Armor- 8
Acceleration- 6
Speed- 4
Handling- 4
VIII: Bosses/Billy Calypso
Billy Calypso: Owner of the tournament, just a downright mean kid. But
after all the teasing, it's the kids turn to get even. Billy isn't a
playable character or a boss.
Trapper: This guy is pretty tough, so pay attention. This is the
hardest guy in the game. His special is little red monkeys that slide
around on the ground until they hit you and split to more monkeys which
is pretty deadly. Use hit and run techniques on him. If you are low on
health try to avoid him until health appears below the dropping anchor
on the battlefield. If he is low on health, try to keep him away from
health, after a long fought battle he should be gone. Try to use a lot
of power missiles and stuff that are powerful like that on him. After
beating him a couple times you will probably get used to him and soon
he will be easier then ever.
Piecemeal: This guy takes the parts of other cars he has destroyed and
puts them on his own. And he also knows all the specials, sounds tough
right? Not at all, this guy is super easy. I never lost to him once.
When you start out in the level you will fight regular opponents but
every time you destroy an enemy Piecemeal comes out. He is a big guy so
use a lot of big weapons on him, I like using roman candles, they hit
him very well. After a while he will disappear until you kill another
enemy. Make sure you get health when it is there. Use hit and run
techniques If you have a guy who gets hurt easy. After a while all the
cars will be gone and you will easily defeat him. This is the last guy
so don't worry if you use a lot of weapons on him.
IX: How to get secret characters
This should make your day, any character you have battled out there is
playable, even the bosses. I will tell you how to receive every
Axel: He is by far the easiest to get. When you start on the very first
level go to the swings. Jump up and shoot a missile right at the middle
swing. It should swing back and forth and an Axel figure should fall
off toward you. Grab it to unlock Axel.
Darkside: Another pretty easy character to get. In the Easy death oven
stage, go toward the plumber. Shoot a napalm at his butt and it should
explode opening a whole under the cabinet in the middle of the room.
Just go in and find the Darkside token to unlock Darkside.
Mime: You have probably never seen him in the stages. He is in the
secret stage(go to secret stages to unlock this) Holiday Havoc. In the
medium difficulty setting in endurance mode, shoot missiles at the
Christmas tree until it is destroyed. Get on top of the fireplace then
jump off backwards and shoot a missile at the stockings. Destroy all
four to reveal the icon that unlocks Mime.
Trapper: Beat the game as all the characters on medium difficulty, if
that doesn't work try hard mode.
Piecemeal: Beat the game with Trapper on hard mode. I'm pretty sure
that was right.
X. Secret Character Info:
Axel: Axel's main objective for the tournament is to display his
mastery of 2-wheel combat.
Vehicle: Axel- His special is a bunch of missiles that shoot all around
him while he is spinning. It is a pretty good special, but I have seen
Armor- 5
Acceleration- 4
Speed- 4
Handling- 10
Mr. Ash: A dark and mysterious boy named Jimmy Ash drives this big
truck. His actions are unknown for this tournament.
Vehicle: Darkside- His special is when he rams very hard into the
enemy, it is very effective and one of my favorite specials.
Armor- 10
Acceleration- 3
Speed- 8
Handling- 4
Mime: This actress loves to mimic people, especially when it gets them
Vehicle: Mime- Mime's special is actually anybody's special. When you
switch to her special she gets the special of the closest opponent. So
if you are closest to Axel you will get his special. You don't get rid
of that special until you run out of specials or you switch to a
different weapon.
Armor- 2
Acceleration- 6
Speed- 6
Handling- 8
Trapper: Trapper is a mysterious hunter and nothing much more is known,
but beware, he is relentless.
Vehicle: Trapper- Trapper's special is extremely good, when he releases
it a bunch of monkeys go on the ground right toward the enemy and more
monkeys appear as they hit enemies, eventually it wares off though.
Armor- 8
Acceleration- 4
Speed- 3
Handling- 5
Piecemeal: He is a collector and a scavenger. This contestant takes the
parts off of other cars that he has destroyed and puts them on his car.
Sounds pretty scary huh... He likes to fashion this huge Car in Calypso's
Vehicle: Piecemeal- He also has everyone's special, when you switch to
his special you get a random special in the game, if you don't like
that special just switch back to a different weapon then switch back.
Armor- 8
Acceleration- 4
Speed- 3
Handling- 5
XI. Stages:
Here I will give a description of the stage and easy ways to conquer
it. There are 8 stages to start with. I used the easy difficulty first,
but later used medium which I can beat pretty easily too. Hard is
extremely difficult for me, you can try if you want, I only beat it one
time. After you beat all the stages in any difficulty in tournament
mode you unlock a movie.
Playground Peril: Calypso has taken over the local playground just for
you could battle in it. This is a pretty basic stage, see what you can
do on the seesaws. There are no bosses on this stage, shoot at that
duck in the stage for health. If you go up the stairs there is more
health. Pretty much just play the stage. It is pretty self-explanatory;
whatever character you are using refer to previous sections for help.
Carn-O-Maul: Carnival is in town, time for some RC car battling. Watch
out for the blade in the middle of the room, it will send your car
flying. The skeleton that goes around, don't hit him, he takes away a
good amount of health, but you might want to follow him. He will take
you to a hidden room with goodies including health and other pickups.
There is no boss on this stage. Show those RC cars what you are made
Easy Death Oven: Time for some kitchen battling, look at that idiot
under the sink. Don't touch the stove, it might burn a little. You can
hit the spring on the counter top to go to the counter in the middle of
the room. Go around up there, in the toaster/microwave thing there his
health, but don't get trapped while going for it. The can opener may
catch you, but don't worry about it, it doesn't do that much damage.
There is no boss in the stage, just your normal enemies, by now you can
probably figure out how to take out each one and are probably adapted
to your car better then before.
Minigolf Mayhem: Minigolfing is a great way to start out your golfing
career. But this is a pretty unique golf course, it has an erupting
volcano and all other sorts of stuff. There are plenty of obstacles
here. While destroying your opponents make sure to pick a ton of
weapons to get ready for Trapper the boss on this stage. For strategy
on him go up to bosses. Anyways, just make sure you reserve weapons and
health for Trapper.
Meat Your Maker: Time for the cold meat locker. Looks like the grocery
store left their freezer door open, this looks like a nice battlefield.
It is pretty dangerous out there, be careful. The meat grinder on the
top of the battlefield will kill you in 1 shot, there will be health in
front of it but only if you need it badly I wouldn't risk trying to get
it. There is no boss on this stage. It's pretty fun if you can freeze
your opponents on the conveyor belts and they fall into the grinder.
Gridiron Gore: This is a big football field and one of my favorite
stages. It is pretty much opened up to all you can dish out. Hard to
hide and you can get weapons pretty easily. Blow up the helmets to find
health. I would recommend you go back and forth grabbing health when
you are low on health. There is no boss so don't worry about saving up
weapons. This is a very easy stage to pass.
Tree Top Rumble: This level is pretty fun too. This is a large tree
house for your cars to battle at. When you fall of the edge you will
blow up unless you can manage to hit the trampoline first. You can turn
on the lawnmower by shooting it. There is a switch in one of the rooms
that you can keep knocking down to make a whole form by it. It is fun
to knock your enemies into this whole or to trick them into it. They
will blow up, no doubt about it. There are no bosses on this stage.
Now Slaying: Finally, the last stage, after this you can claim your
prize. It's a great movie house with a crappy movie. Now it is
intermission; how does RC car combat sound before the next movie
starts? This stage is pretty simple, make sure you shoot that ticket
booth or whatever it is at the top of the stage, it will roll down and
uncover health, turbo, and another goodie. Just fight it out and stock
up on weapons in the beginning. You will have to fight Piecemeal every
time you destroy an enemy(go up to bosses for strategy).
Well good job completing tournament, you unlocked a movie so sit back
and watch, you deserve it. But that isn't all the stages.
XII. Secret Stages
These stages can be earned in the endurance mode. You can not play them
in tournament but can play them in other modes. I will tell you how to
get the stages and a little bit about them. I beat the endurance mode
on medium so I'm don't know if you can get them on easy. Also I beat
all of them in succession, I never quit playing until I had all stages,
made it easier to get them all quick. Also, I would recommend using
Gridiron Gore for your stage, it is easy to get health.
Shock Therapy: This stage can be earned by killing 10 opponents in
endurance. Pretty much this is just a scientific stage. It is sort of
dark and there is a lot of electricity. Any of the secret stages are
worth earning though, no matter how great the stage is.
Buster's Lanes: This stage can be earned by killing 20 opponents,
personally this is my favorite stages. If you can't tell by the name of
the stage it is a bowling alley. To get items you can knock down all
the pins on the lanes. If you go down the gutter it is pretty cool too.
Holiday Havoc: You need to kill 30 opponents for this stage and the
stage is necessary to unlock Mime. This stage is pretty cool. I like to
shoot at Santa's feet, he says different things and it is pretty funny
cause he is stuck in the chimney. You can blow up the tree and go up it
XIII. Movies
These are very easy to earn, all the characters you start out with will
have a movie and secret characters will not. You must earn all the
movies in tournament mode and difficulty does not matter. All you have
to do is beat the tournament mode for the movie. Depending on which
character you beat it depends on which movie you can get. Of course the
character you beat it with will be the character's movie you will get.
Try to get them all!!!
XIV. GameShark Codes
Now these are not needed but are nice to have, I only have the codes
that are official and I didn't add the ones from the code creator's
club. NOTE: These codes will also work for Code Breaker, that is what I
have, but I got all of these codes from
Infinite Battery Attack Power- ____80151e882a30
Infinite Environment Weapon- ______80151ebc0003
Infinite Health- __________________801504a004fb
Infinite Homing Missile- __________80151ea40003
Infinite Lives- ___________________80160f8c0003
Infinite Napalms- _________________80151eac0003
Infinite Power Missiles- __________80151eb80003
Infinite Fire Missles- ____________80151ea00003
Infinite Remote Drop Mines- _______80151eb40003
Infinite Ricochet Bombs- __________80151eb00003
Infinite Roman Candles- ___________80151ea80003
Infinite Specials- ________________80151e9c0003
Infinite Turbo- ___________________801504ac03e8
Unlock Axel- ______________________301d1e3c0001
Unlock Darkside- __________________301d1e400001
Unlock Mime- ______________________301d1e440001
Unlock Piecemeal- _________________301d1e480001
Unlock Trapper ____________________301d1e4c0001
XV. Favorites
As for my favorites:
Favorite starting car-_______________Sweet Tooth
Favorite Special Car- __________________Darkside
Favorite Starting Stage- __________Gridiron Gore
Favorite Special Stage- __________Buster's Lanes
Favorite Movie- _________________________Thumper
Favorite Weapon- __________________Power Missile
Favorite secret character Special- ____PieceMeal
Favorite starting character special-____ Warthog
Favorite Battery Attack- _________________Freeze
Favorite thing to do- Blow up the plumbers butt!!!
I liked a lot of things about this game, of course I liked more cars
and movies, I have only beat the hard mode once without cheating with
Sweet Tooth, it is very hard to do. Well, I just beat it on hard on
hard mode with Darkside, sot that's 2 time I have beat it on hard.
XVI. Credits
Well, I would like to some credit to my parents for getting me this
awesome game for Christmas. Hmmm... As for credits, I don't have a lot of
people who to thank.
I would like to thank my friend Dwayne for getting me into Twisted
Metal games, I got into them around when playing #2.
I would like to thank myself for figuring all this crap out for the
And I would like to thank all of you who have read my faq.
Thanks for reading, I hope this all helped, my E-Mail is

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

CNK Gameshark code

Crash Nitro Kart Action Replay Codes (PS2)

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December 19th, 2007, 22:06 GMT| By Alexandru Stanescu

Enlarge picture
Crash Nitro Kart is a racing game for the PlayStation 2, GameCube and Xbox consoles that was released in 2003. It has also been created for the Game Boy Advance and N-Gage, but with some minor differences. It is an indirect sequel to Crash Team Racing and it was developed by Vicarious Visions and published by Universal Interactive. Crash Nitro Kart plays much like its predecessor, Crash Team Racing. The player races against other characters, which can be computer controlled or controlled by other players. Crates are placed throughout the tracks, which, when broken, grant power-ups. Collecting ten Wumpa Fruit from special crates improves the effect of any

Many of the tracks contain obstacles, which, if not avoided, will cause the racer to come to a complete stop briefly. New to this game is the Team Frenzy Mode, which allows players to race as part of a team. A victory by any one team member counts as a victory for the team. Additionally, getting close to a team member for long enough during a race grants unlimited weapons for a short time. In Adventure Mode, the player chooses to play as either Team Bandicoot or Team Cortex.

The player must travel through four worlds, collecting three trophies in each world by winning the three races there. Each world also features a boss which must be raced after collecting all three of a world's trophies. Defeating a boss earns a Boss Key, collecting all four of which allows you to race the final boss. (Wikipedia)

Action Replay Codes

*Note: These codes won't work unless you use an Action Replay cartridge:

There are 6 codes for this game.

0E3C7DF2 1853E59E

99 Apples
DE8B790A C4AC9A43
DE8FFF86 68EA9B33

Freeze Timer
R1+R2 Freeze Timer, L1+L2 to Stop
017910F8 BCA99582
017910F8 BCA99082
DE98B552 BCA99B83

No Opponents (Always Win)
DE629002 BCA99B83

1 Opponent Races
DE629002 BCA99B84

3 Opponents Races
DE629002 BCA99B86

(Thanks to Codejunkies)

A great video collection of boss battles:

Must Be On
760E3670 00000000
770001CB 46CC1955
985E45E6 782206EB
Have Max Wampa Fruit January 26, 2005
76077980 00000000
2816FBD0 F7157A2A
2816FB0C A1D06844
2816FB72 2C5A7A37
2809F60C A1429BA3
Press R2 For 0:00:00 Lap Time January 26, 2005
76042B00 00000000
E81FC090 020B8F95
2816ED40 01157A65
2816EDD8 F7157A65
2816EDED A1A72913
2816EDD0 84F17AF2
283C8FE6 A1426965
E81BCB90 020B8F95
283C8FE6 84F17AF2
(Press R1 to turn timer on again

CTR Gameshark code

Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

Crash Team Racing Gameshark codes

These codes are for NTSC only! Check your CD Case to determine the version.

If you want a certain gameshark code, request it here.

If a code has XX at the end, it means that code demands a certain value to be inputed.

Before I start, let me say this about Oxide:


With that in mind, enjoy!

Level Select
800989D0 00XX

Values:To be updated

Description: This code will allow you to access any track on Arcade, Time Trial, or Battle Mode no matter what track you select at the track select screen. Start from the values of 00 up to 19 (which is the adventure map).

Level Select (Oxide Station)
8008D930 000F
800B46FA 000F
800B59A8 000F

Values: None

Description: This will allow you to play on Oxide Station with two, three, or four players or even one player if you wish. Just select any track, and play. This does not work with Adventure mode.

Character Select
80086E84 00XX

00 Crash Bandicoot
01 DR. Neo Cortex
02 Tiny Tiger
03 CoC0 Bandicoot
04 N. Gin
05 DingoDile
06 Polar
07 Pura
08 Pinstipe
09 Papu Papu
0A Ripper Roo
0B Komodo Joe
0C DR. N. Tropy
0D Penta Penguin
0E Fake Crash
0F Nitros Oxide

Description: This will alow you to play as any character in any type of mode in the game. All characters are known to be working fine in every mode except Oxide. Oxide tends to crash on some tracks and is not playable on the adventure mode map (UNLESS YOU SAVED AT THE CASTLE TRACKS AREA!)

Character Select for Player 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8

80086E8X 00XX

Values:6,8,0F, 11, Just add two in hex for the next player value

Description: This will change a certain players' character to any character. This is particularly useful if your friend wants to play as Oxide or fight Penta as a boss in adventure mode. You can also face 7 Oxides if you want with this code! Or even have a Crash vs Cortex boss battle if you wish. Just change the second player character to something else and go into a boss garage.

Play as Oxide or Penta (L2 Oxide, R2 Penta) (NTSC)
D008D975 0001
80086E84 000F
D008D975 0002
80086E84 000D

Values: None

Description: Through the use of Joker codes, you may now have actual "teams" in CTR. The code above allows you to have a team consisting of Oxide and Penta. I can add one more to the team, but you will need additional codes, for which I am too lazy at the moment to find them. You may change the team members to whoever you want by changing the values. To change a character, go into a menu of some sort of make sure you arent racing, and just press either the L2 button, or the R2 button, then go into a track. WARNING: Do NOT change players during a race! Otherwise, bad things happen.

Unlimted Weapons
To be updated

$00 Nitro
$01 Cannonball Bomb
$02 Homing Missile
$03 TNT Box
$04 Green Bottle
$05 Super Spring
$06 Shield
$07 Voodoo Mask
$08 Clock
$09 Lightning Ball
$0A CannonBall Bomb
$0B Homing Missile
$0C Invisible
$0D Super Nitro Boost
$0E N/A
$0F Nothing

Description: The weapon codes are "To be Updated" because each character has an individual weapons code, in each individual mode. You may request a weapons code for a certain character and a certain mode if you wish and I will look for those codes.

Unlimited Wumpa fruit
"To be updated"

Values:00 to whatever (you can have a million wumpa fruit if you want, but the effect will be the same)

Description: Similar to the code above, each character has their own individual wumpa code, and quite possibly, for each individual mode.

Unlock everything (Characters and tracks)
50000302 0000

Values: None

Description: This will give you all the characters and all the tracks in the game.

This message was edited by MI123645 on Oct 29 2006.

This message was edited by MI123645 on Nov 01 2006.

This message was edited by MI123645 on Nov 01 2006.

This message was edited by MI123645 on Dec 18 2006.
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Two much Neo

ntropydude's profile
since: Jun 2006

Oct 28, 06 at 9:43pm
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

PM a mod to ask to sticky the thread. Mods don't look in every individual thread unless there's a problem in the forum.

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JazzLoca's profile
total posts: 22
since: Oct 2006

Oct 29, 06 at 7:53pm
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

This is Great thank you, BTW do you have a code to put fake crash in the game and savable...???? so when you reset he will he there???
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Two much Neo

ntropydude's profile
since: Jun 2006

Oct 29, 06 at 9:11pm
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

It won't save. You must beat the purple gem cup - you can use an unlimited masks code to assist you if you really need it.

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MI123645's profile
total posts: 151
since: May 2006

Oct 29, 06 at 11:28pm
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

Tropy is right. You have to beat the purple gem cup to have him in your save. You can use the codes to get him, but it won't save him.

EDIT: I read your other post in the Fake crash thread. It is possible to find and turn on the variable that determines Fake crashes presence in the character select screen. It would definitley take me some time though to find it.

Also, try out the fake crash gameshark code and see if it works. If it doesn't Fake crash may not even be in your game.

This message was edited by MI123645 on Oct 29 2006.
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JazzLoca's profile
total posts: 22
since: Oct 2006

Oct 30, 06 at 12:33am
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

Yes your fake crash code i tryed and it worked but it still doesnt save but at least i know hes in my game .. but i still dont no how to get him i have the purple gem(by using codes, and my game % is 101%) ....a code would be nice if its possible to get him perminitly in my game ....
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MI123645's profile
total posts: 151
since: May 2006

Oct 30, 06 at 3:46am
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

This is a strange occurence. This has happend to two people now. I will see if I can get Fake Crash through variable findings.
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JazzLoca's profile
total posts: 22
since: Oct 2006

Oct 31, 06 at 11:58pm
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

let me no if you have any luck
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Two much Neo

ntropydude's profile
since: Jun 2006

Nov 01, 06 at 12:19am
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

Would a variable be able to unlock Oxide Station in multiplayer mode?

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JazzLoca's profile
total posts: 22
since: Oct 2006

Nov 01, 06 at 12:30am
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

I dont even no how to get oxide in single player mode (savable)
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Two much Neo

ntropydude's profile
since: Jun 2006

Nov 01, 06 at 12:31am
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

I was talking about the track Oxide Station.

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Two much Neo

ntropydude's profile
since: Jun 2006

Nov 01, 06 at 12:31am
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

I was talking about the track Oxide Station. It's for some strange reason only available in single-player mode.

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JazzLoca's profile
total posts: 22
since: Oct 2006

Nov 01, 06 at 12:36am
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

ah ok sorry lol ........ darnnn its bothering me i no that fake crash is in my game ( casue i used the code above ^ )
but its not saveable and i completed the purple gem cup... darn that bothering me lol i need him in my game and saveable
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Two much Neo

ntropydude's profile
since: Jun 2006

Nov 01, 06 at 12:41am
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

I don't know.

I noticed in the weapons you don't have the 3 missiles or bombs codes. Does that mean that you could use another code to do something crazy like 3 orbs or 3 clocks?

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JazzLoca's profile
total posts: 22
since: Oct 2006

Nov 01, 06 at 12:45am
re: Crash Team Racing Gameshark Codes (NTSC)

hm good question... also what do you mean by " variable findings " ....?
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Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

CNK for PS2 Cheats

link directly to this cheat 50 boosts
There are 3 different tracks that I found easy for getting 50 boots. I have displayed these tracks in difficulty order (how difficult it is to get 50 boosts on that track; easiest at the top):

Deep Sea Driving
Meteor Gorge
Hyper Spaceway

Also, Jungle Boogie is a good one.
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Verified by: Star Bandicoot Submitted by: joshthegreat on February 23, 2004
link directly to this cheat Barin Ruins Shortcut
After you come out of the tunnel towards the end of the track, if you have any kind of boost then go straight and hop over the little spot with snow on it and you will land on an acceleration pad that will launch you towards the finish line. In the CNK challenge, this is where the "K" is.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: im a loser on June 29, 2009
link directly to this cheat CNK challenge: Out of time
I just got this game a couple months ago, and only have one CNK token, (so far), and it's in Out of Time. Here are the locations of each, and tips.

# C - This isn't too hard once you find it. At the beginning when you come to the bouncy platforms, it is high in the air above the right one. Unfortunately, someone will hit the ! box, making the right bounce platform go down, but don't sulk. Bounce off the left and do a turn in midair, getting the C. You will land in slow dirt, but it is a small shortcut where you land.

# N - This one may be tough to find, but it is on a shortcut that will put you in first place, and a heavy lead if you do it many times. After the first hill of broken pavement, go the right, and you will see a small opening with an arrow pointing left on it. With the help of a bit of speed, hop over the fence, getting the N, and a shortcut.

# K - I hate this one. It is the middle of sand, and completely offtrack. Near the end, after you go off the boost where you go through that fan, over a right turn, you should see it sitting in the middle of sand. Don't fall.

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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: thunder850 on September 28, 2007
link directly to this cheat Easy Way to Get N.Tropy
If you're having trouble beating all of N.Tropy's times, use someone who's BETTER than N.Tropy! Beat the game twice, once with Team Cortex and once with Team Bandicoot, and you'll unlock Velo. After obtaining Velo, then go off to beat N.Tropy. Since Velo has maxed out stats, he should be able to blow N.Tropy out of the water easily on every track.
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Verified by: ntropydude Submitted by: Road Rocket on November 26, 2005
link directly to this cheat easy ways to win in races for team bandicoot
have you ever gone on a race before and thought "man this rsce is hard" ? Well if you have then heres some tips on who to be in certain races.

NOTE! This only works if you are in team bandicoot.

For trophy races that have 8 characters in them select crash, at the start of the race at the top of the screen there is red lights and a green light when it gets to the last red light keep hold of x if when it hits the green light if your boost meter is at red then you will get a boost.When your driving if you see a ramp, hill,etc. hop when you get to the top(press R1 to hop) and when you land you should get a boost if you jumped high enough, if there is a sharp turn whereever it is you land has a sharp turn keep hold of R1 when you hop and do a powerslide when you land (do a powerslide (to do a powerslide hop with R1 then turn when you land) whereever there is a sharp turn and no ramp anyway.If crash or your teammate does not come first in a trophy select crunch next time if crunch does not come first choose coco there is a 75% chance this will work in a trophy race.

In a boss race choose crunch because he is fast and his attacks(with powerups) are stronger, try and get a boost at the start again an d hop at every ramp and do powerslides at sharp turns.If you do not come first in a boss race with crunch keep trying. If you do not succeed with crunch after about 5 trys (im serious) use coco she can turn easier and is easier to control.

Sorry if you are on team cortex i am also sorry that I have no ways to win cnk or time trial races

this probably didn't help but i hope it did.
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: anonymous on January 17, 2009
link directly to this cheat Geary and Velo
Try to get as many powerups as possible for these bosses, and use them. They should help you.
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Verified by: BlueBolt Submitted by: thunder850 on October 24, 2007
link directly to this cheat Getting The C at Inferno Island
Having trouble getting the C? Well, use Crunch or Tiny, whoever you prefer. Don't bother getting the C at the start of the race; you'll be wasting time. Wait until the second lap. Get a good burst of speed and jump on that flat area near the bridge. You should be able to get the C from there.
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Verified by: ntropydude Submitted by: Dingo Steinberg on November 04, 2004
link directly to this cheat how to win easerr
when you are on a hard track and their is a lot of corners use coco or Dr cortex to go around corners easier and if you use crunch or tiny thay will crash
happy gaming
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: simman76 on July 12, 2008
link directly to this cheat Out of Time (Norm)
There is a couple out of range X boxes in this track during Norm. 1 is near the beginning, and one is near the end, directly in front of one of those plants. The first one is the very end of a turn, so Norm could cut a corner and get ahead of you, so don't get that one. The one at the end can get you eaten, so go without it.

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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: thunder850 on September 23, 2007
link directly to this cheat Powerslide
You should powerslide in races to go a lot faster. To powerslide, hop, turn, and boost.

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Verified by: BlueBolt Submitted by: thunder850 on July 29, 2007
link directly to this cheat Shorcuts
Meteor Gorge: Once you go through the speed boost on the ground, turn left. Jump on the platform over the lava. Then, jump on the regualar track.
Deep Sea Driving: After a series of speed boosts, make a right turn. You'll land on another part of the track. It may not look like it, but it saves quite a bit of time.
Out of Time: Near the beginning of the level, you'll see an arrow over a fence. Use the little hill to jump over the fence. This is GREAT for beating Norm.
Clockwork Wumpa: After you get past the gears that flatten you, you'll see another arrow. Instead of following it, jump across the 3 gears.
Assembly Lane: Get a speed boost. After a series of hills, you'll see an opening (In the CNK challenge, it's where the N is). Use the boost to jump through it.
Android Alley: About 1/2 through the level, you'll see a window. Go ahead, jump through it. (You might want to boost, though) I mean, it's not like you're paying for the damage.
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Verified by: ntropydude Submitted by: Spyro Rocks on June 27, 2005
link directly to this cheat Tip for defeating bosses
You should try to get as many X boxes as you can during bosses. If a boss is on your tail, 3 TNTs could be useful.

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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: thunder850 on September 23, 2007
link directly to this cheat Unlimited missiles
To have unlimited missiles, you need a X box in a race. Keep trying to get 3 missiles. When you get 3 missiles, team up with your friend/mate so you have frenzy! So now use 2 missiles and leave one behind. So now you have 1 missile left. Now use your frenzy unltil it is all wasted! Now when it returns to your missile it won't be 1! it will be 3 missiles again! Repeat as much as you want. Bye
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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Christopher on March 06, 2007
link directly to this cheat Unlock Terra Drome
Get all purple tokens in Adventure Modes races.
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Verified by: Yoshi_Fn Submitted by: Seto Kaiba on July 25, 2004
Back to topCheats
link directly to this cheat ShortCut For Electron Avenue
O.K. When You Get To The Bit Where Your Near A
Small Jump That Goes On To The Yellow Path
Gather A LOT Of Speed And Jump Off It You Should
Land On Another Yellow Path
So Continue Driving Happily!
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Verified by: purralover Submitted by: purralover on September 13, 2007
link directly to this cheat Some unlockables
Play as Fake Crash:
- Get over 50 boosts on a track as Team Cortex in Adventure Mode

Play as Pura:
- Get over 50 boosts on a track as Team Bandicoot in Adventure mode

Play as N.Tropy:
- Defeat all of his ghosts in Time Trial mode

Play as Polar:
- Get one blue gem

Play as Dingodile:
- Get one red gem

Play as Velo:
- Get two scepters

Play as Zam:
- Get one Purple Gem

Play as Zem:
- Get one Green gem

Unlock Hyper Spaceway Track:
- Win all 12 trophy's and the 4 boss races

Unlock Cutscenes:
- Team Bandicoot Cutscenes:

Challenging Krunk - Win three trophies
Krunk Loses - Unlock one key
Challenging Nash - Win six trophies
Nash Loses - Unlock two keys
Challenging Norm - Win nine trophies
Norm Loses - Unlock three keys
Challenging Geary - Win twelve trophies
Geary Loses- Unlock four keys
Challenging Velo - Unlock four keys
Losing to Velo - Unlock four keys
Defeat Velo without 100 % - Unlock four keys
Defeat Velo with 100 % - Unlock four keys, have 13 relics, and one Scepter.

- Team Cortex Cutscenes:

Challenging Krunk - Win three trophies
Krunk Loses - Unlock one key
Challenging Nash - Win six trophies
Nash Loses - Unlock two keys
Challenging Norm - Win nine trophies
Norm Loses - Unlock three keys
Challenging Geary - Win twelve trophies
Geary Loses- Unlock four keys
Challenging Velo - Unlock four keys
Losing to Velo - Unlock four keys
Defeat Velo without 100 % - Unlock four keys
Defeat Velo with 100 % - Unlock four keys, have 13 relics, and one Scepter.

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Verified by: MD, ntropydude Submitted by: MD on November 30, 2003
link directly to this cheat Super Turn
If you want to make a really fast turn then press/hold X and Square and move the directional button where you want to go. I'm so sure of this cheat I've did it on like ten other peoples Crash Nitro Kart's and would bet my life on it. IF, by any chance it doesn't work, you're doing it wrong.